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National Taiwan Normal University Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development


在這個響應節能減碳的時代,如何減少住家及商用照明燈具的能源浪費,著實是一項重要的課題。一般除了日用照明外,樓梯間夜間照明也是不可忽視的一項電源消耗。目前市面上有許多不同感應方式的燈光裝置,例如:紅外線遮蔽感應、人體感應 (PIR) 偵測、或微波感應等型態照明燈。然而這些傳統燈具感應裝置僅能於有人靠近時,方才啟動點亮燈光,並不適合用於樓梯間的引導照明。本作品嘗試設計結合PIR 偵測及超音波感應來做為燈具的亮度控制,當人體在感應範圍內移動靠近燈具時,會依人體和燈具間的距離來控制燈具的亮度。此外,若當有人在門口逗留太久,亦會啟動攝影機拍照,並警示告知屋主。因此,本作品可提供樓梯間能於夜間隨人體靠近門口距離,而調節適當的照明亮度,以達到指引照明及智慧節能的功效;同時也兼具居家和工作場所的安全保障。
In the era calling for energy saving and carbon reduction, how to reduce the energy dissipation from the residential and commercial lighting systems becomes an important issue. Apart from daytime illumination, the power consumption of the nighttime illuminating stairs can’t be ignored either. Many kinds of sensors are embedded into various lighting devices such as infrared sensor, passive infrared detector, microwave sensor, and so on. However, these sensors can only be triggered when people approach them; thus, they are unsuitable for being used as guiding illuminations in stairs. To adjust the brightness of illuminations, we try to combine PIR sensors withultrasonic sensors. When people approach the sensing field, the lighting system can adjust the brightness according to the sensor measurements. In addition, if someone is lingering outsides, the camera will be turned on to capture images and warn the house owner at the same time. Therefore, our design can adjust appropriate brightness according to where the person is located. It not only can be the guiding illumination but intelligent energy-saving device; meanwhile, it can also tighten the security of houses and work-spaces.


