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  本研究旨在瞭解照顧服務員的生涯發展歷程、影響其職涯發展歷程的因素及照顧工作中所形塑的生命意義。本研究以立意取樣的方式,邀請三位照顧服務員工作資歷達十年以上的照顧服務員進行二至三次的深度訪談,以敘說方法作為研究取向,並採取「整體-內容」及「類別-內容」作為敘說分析方式。   研究發現照顧服務員的生涯發展歷程可分六個階段及其重要特色為:(1)童年時期:手足排行型塑不同的成長印記;(2)求學時期:家庭經濟條件影響升學歷程 (3) 婚姻、家庭時期:以操持家務、照顧孩子為重而離開職場;育兒責任減輕後再次就業;(4)失能照護時期:偶然下得知照服員職業因而進入;(5)失智照護時期:享受失智照護的多變與挑戰 (6)退休時期:結合專業,投身社區關懷長者。 影響照顧服務員的職涯發展因素有個人因素:(1)經濟因素;(2)人格特質與工作內容的適配;(3)正向心理資源;(4)身體健康狀況;(5)照顧工作價值。環境因素:(1)失能照護機構關閉;(2)家人對從事照顧工作的支持;(3)機緣。照顧工作形塑的生命意義為:(1) 生涯目標的重新定向;(2) 疾病與死亡重塑生命價值觀與積極行動;(3)看見個人價值與自我實現。 最後根據研究發現提出對未來研究方向、政府與長期照顧機構、有志成為照顧服務員者及諮商實務工作者的建議。
  This study was aimed to explore the nursing aides’ career development, the influence factors of career development and what meaning of life was be built in care work. Three nursing aides’ who engaged in care work over ten years were be invited to participate in this study. The participants took part in in-depth interview two or three times. The study took on narrative methodology, and used holistic-content and categorical-content approach to analyzed the data. The result of the study: nursing aides’ career development can be divided in six stages and each stage has important feature: (1)Childhood Stage: Birth order has inference on what kinds of growth memory that the nursing aides’ have; (2)Study Stage: Family Financial Status have impacts on their study development; (3) Marriage and Family Stage: They usually have to leave their job to attend to family matters; employed again with gradually less responsibility on their family; (4)Disabled Care Stage: Found the information of Nursing aide and entered the industry accidentially; (5)Dementia Care Stage: Enjoy the variety and challenge in caring people who suffer from dementia; (6)Retirement stage: combine the expertise of care and contribute to care elderly people in community. The influence factors in nursing aides’ career development including personal factors and environmental factors. Personal factors: (1) Economy; (2)Personality-job suitability; (3)Positive psychological resources; (4)Health condition; (5)Work value; Environmental factors: (1) The closed of the Disabled Care home (2) The support from their family; (3) Happenness. Last but not least, meaning of life was built in care work were:(1) Reorientation of career goal; (2) Value of life was rebuilt by witnessing disease and death; (3) Find self-worthiness in the work and achieved Self-actualization. Also, based on the results of the research, the researcher provides some suggestions for future research, government and long-term care home, future nursing aides, and counselors.



生命意義, 生涯發展歷程, 照顧服務員, Meaning of life, Career development, Nursing aide





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