

摘要 本研究主旨在探討閱讀中詞彙表,對非刻意習得的單字效益,並進而探討是否“多選字義推測”詞彙表比起“單一直接字義翻譯”詞彙表更能透過選擇字義過程而增進單字學習。另外,本研究也探討學習者的英文程度是否會影響由不同型態詞彙表學習字彙之成效。 參與研究對象為四個班級,共計ㄧ百七十五位來自中台灣國立彰化高中的學生。為了區別參與者之程度差異,參與者分別由兩班高一學生以及兩班高三學生所組成,其中高一學生於此研究中代表低程度組,高三學生代表高程度組。研究者進ㄧ步將參與班級分成“多選字義推測組”以及“單一直接字義翻譯組”,各組分別由一班代表低程度之高一學生以及一班代表高程度之高三學生所組成。 此研究共分三個階段。在第一個階段,所有學生參加一個字彙前測,測量其對目標字彙認知之程度。在第二階段,所有參與者被指派閱讀兩篇文章,並於讀完文章後完成閱讀理解問題。在多選字義推測組的閱讀文本中,生字是以多選字義方式呈現。參與者必須根據上下文推測可能字義並由三個中文選項中圈選出最恰當之可能字義。而在直接字義翻譯組中,生字是以直接中文字義提供於閱讀文本中。在閱讀完每篇文章及完成閱讀理解題目後,參與者接受一個立即單字後測。在第三階段,參與者另外接受一個兩週後之單字後測。在三階段完成後,參與者之前測、立即後測、以及兩週後之後測成績以SPSS統計軟體進行分析。 研究結果發現多選字義推測詞彙表與單一直接字義翻譯詞彙對於閱讀中之非刻意單字學習有所幫助;且多選字義詞彙表因為需要學習者於字義選擇過程投入心力,所以成效高於單一直接字義翻譯詞彙表。研究結果也發現在由詞彙表非刻意習得單字之過程中,主要之影響因素是詞彙表之型態而非學習者之程度。
ABSTRACT The purpose of the current study is to examine whether meaning-inferred multiple-choice gloss (MI) can enhance more mental processing of the new words through decision-making process and thus generate more positive effects on vocabulary learning than meaning-given gloss (MG) can. Whether or not learners’ proficiency will affect their vocabulary learning in different gloss conditions will also be explored. The participants in the study were 175 students from four classes in Changhua Senior High School located in central Taiwan. In order to differentiate proficiency levels, two classes were selected from the first grade as the participants of low proficiency and the other two classes were from the third grade as the participants of high proficiency. The study was comprised of three phases. In the first phase, all participants received a vocabulary pre-test to measure their prior knowledge of the target words. In the second phase, one class from the first grade and one from the third grade were assigned to MI group and the other two classes, including one from the first grade and one from the third grade, were assigned to MG group. All of the participants were assigned two reading passages in the second phase. New words in MG group were glossed by providing L1 translations, while those in MI group were presented in the form of multiple-choice gloss, consisting of three L1 alternatives. The participants in the MI group had to finish the multiple-choice gloss by making choices of word meanings based on the context in the reading passage. After reading each passage, all of the participants finished four reading comprehension questions and took an immediate vocabulary post-test test. The third phase was a delayed post-test on target words administered two weeks after the reading tasks. After the three phases, scores of the pre-test, the immediate post-tests and the delayed post-test were analyzed. The findings of the current study reveal that both meaning-inferred gloss and meaning-given gloss are beneficial for incidental vocabulary learning and that the effects of meaning-inferred gloss is greater than the effects of meaning-given gloss because of more mental efforts exerted in the decision-making process while learners are trying to finish the meaning-inferred gloss. Besides, it also finds that learners’ proficiency level is not a determining factor in learners’ incidental vocabulary learning. It is the gloss types that influence the effects of their incidental vocabulary learning.



多選字義推測詞彙表, 直接單一字彙表, 非刻意單字學習, meaning-inferred gloss, meaning-given gloss, incidental vocabulary learning





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