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Office of Research and Development
Office of Research and Development
本研究之目的在以工程圖交線電腦化創意教材來增進學生交線學習成效並提昇其空間能力。為達此目的,本研究以文獻探討、分析及專家座談、實驗教學等方法進行研究;實驗組使用自編之交線電腦化創意教材,控制組則使用一般傳統紙本教材,研究工具係採用康鳳梅等人(2001)發展之「交線空間能力量表」及「交線成就量表」,以立意取樣方式針對高職製圖科二年級學生為研究樣本,有效樣本221份。並將所得結果以獨立樣本雙因子共變數分析、二因子獨立樣本變異數分析等統計方法進行資料處理。本研究依實驗結果分析歸納發現: 1. 實驗組在交線空間能力表現顯著高於控制組。 2. 不同或別學生在交線空間能力表現達顯著差異,且男生高於女生。 3. 實驗組交線成就量表表現顯著高於控制組。 4. 不同性別學生在交線成就表現未達顯著差異。
The purpose of this research was to look at the role of creative teaching of spatial conception and drawing skills in Engineering Drawing, especially with regard to understanding and drawing "intersections," in order to improve students' spatial ability and engineering drawing skills. In order to achieve the above goals, as to method the researchers did a literature review and used scale tests, experimental teaching and panel discussions. The experimental group used creative computerized teaching materials edited by the researchers and the control group used traditional teaching materials. The research tools were the Intersectional Spatial Ability Scale and Intersectional Achievement Assessments Scale devised by Professor Kang et al (2001). The population for this study was a non-random sampling of second-year students in the Drawing Department of an Industrial Vocational High School. The total number of valid samples was 221. The data was analyzed by ANCOVA and ANOVA, and the main conclusions were as follows: 1. On the Intersection Spatial Ability Scale, the score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group. 2. Male students tend to have better intersectional spatial ability than female students do. 3. On the Intersection Achievement Assessment Scale, the score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group. 4. There is no significant difference between males and females on the Intersectional Achievement Assessments Scale.
The purpose of this research was to look at the role of creative teaching of spatial conception and drawing skills in Engineering Drawing, especially with regard to understanding and drawing "intersections," in order to improve students' spatial ability and engineering drawing skills. In order to achieve the above goals, as to method the researchers did a literature review and used scale tests, experimental teaching and panel discussions. The experimental group used creative computerized teaching materials edited by the researchers and the control group used traditional teaching materials. The research tools were the Intersectional Spatial Ability Scale and Intersectional Achievement Assessments Scale devised by Professor Kang et al (2001). The population for this study was a non-random sampling of second-year students in the Drawing Department of an Industrial Vocational High School. The total number of valid samples was 221. The data was analyzed by ANCOVA and ANOVA, and the main conclusions were as follows: 1. On the Intersection Spatial Ability Scale, the score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group. 2. Male students tend to have better intersectional spatial ability than female students do. 3. On the Intersection Achievement Assessment Scale, the score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group. 4. There is no significant difference between males and females on the Intersectional Achievement Assessments Scale.