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研究目的:本研究旨在檢視社會影響、上網正向效果預期與高中職學生網路成癮之關聯性,主要探究社會影響和上網正向效果預期對高中職學生網路成癮的預測情形,並進一步釐清社會影響與上網正向效果預期對網路成癮預測中之關係。 研究方法:本研究採橫斷研究法,並以高中與高職學生為研究對象,考量全國高中生與高職生人數比例後,以分層(高中、高職)叢集(以班為單位)方式進行立意性抽樣,共取得有效問卷1922份;研究工具包括「個人資料表」、「網路使用社會影響量表」、「上網正向效果預期量表」,以及「陳氏網路成癮量表」;本研究採用描述統計、皮爾森相關分析及結構方程模式等統計方法進行資料分析。 研究結果:(1)高中職學生平均每週上網時間為18.22小時(標準差為18.44小時),其中平均每週在非課業相關的上網時間為15.43小時(標準差為17.33小時);(2)上網正向效果預期總分及其三個分量表(成就自我、解壓增趣及人際聯繫)皆與網路成癮總分達顯著正相關,但獲取資訊分量表與網路成癮總分卻未達顯著相關;(3)社會影響可顯著且正向預測網路成癮;(4)上網正向效果預期能顯著且正向預測網路成癮;(5)上網正向效果預期能完全中介社會影響對網路成癮之預測關係。 研究結論:本研究檢驗了高中職學生的社會影響(社會因素)和上網正向效果預期(心理因素)對網路成癮之預測模式,並依此發現提出後續研究與實務處遇和應用上建議,以供研究者、教育相關工作者,以及輔導與諮商實務工作者參考。
Purpose: The study aimed to understand the relationship among social influence, positive outcome expectancy and internet addiction among senior high school students in Taiwan. Moreover, the study focus on clarifying the relationship that social influence and positive outcome expectancy predict Internet addiction. Method: The study was constructed using cross-sectional study design. By both stratified and random cluster sampling, participants were recruited from senior high school and technical school in Taiwan. 1922 valid questionnaires were returned finally. The self-administered questionnaires included personal data, social influence scale, positive outcome expectancy scale, and internet addiction scale. Then, all valid data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, independent-sample t-test and SEM. Results: (1) The average hours on internet per week were 18.22 hours (SD = 18.44 hours), in which 15.43 hours (SD = 17.33 hours) were for extracurricular activities; (2) It showed positive correlation between internet addiction and positive outcome expectancy, while information-seeking subscale and internet addiction had no significant correlation; (3) Social influence significantly and positively predicted internet addiction; (4) Positive outcome expectancy significantly and positively predicted internet addiction; and (5) Positive outcome expectancy fully mediated the relationship that social influence predict internet addiction. Conclusions: The study examined social influence (social factors) and positive outcome expectancy (psychological factors) on internet addiction prediction model. Based on the results, the study provides suggestions for schools and guidance counselors, as well as for future research.



上網正向效果預期, 社會影響, 高中職學生, 網路成癮, Internet addiction, positive outcome expectancy, senior high school/ technical school students, social influence

