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本研究主要探討成人視障者的社會支持與復原力,以及分析社會支持對復原力的預測。研究範圍以臺北市、新北市及宜蘭地區,提供視障者重建服務之非營利組織所進行便利取樣,研究樣本156人,以社會支持量表和Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale-25(CD-RISC-25)中文版量表為研究工具,以描述性統計、變異數分析、關係及迴歸分析進行資料分析。結果發現: 一、 成人視障者在不同的人口學背景變項,其整體社會支持與復原力均未達顯著差異。在分向度社會支持以情緒/評價性支持最高,工具/實質性支持居次;惟以自尊感維持最低。成人視障者自評復原力,以接受改變的正向意念及穩定的人際關係最高,宗教或靈性的影響居次,惟對個人能力及韌力的肯定則最低。 二、 教育程度大專組在情緒/評價性支持高於高中職組;自尊感維持碩博士組高於大專組;和家人朋友同住組在隸屬/陪伴性支持及工具/實質性支持高於獨自居住組;有就業組的自尊感維持高於未就業組。在致障屬性背景變項,閱讀書寫使用點字組,整體社會支持情緒/評價性支持及隸屬/陪伴性支持均高於非使用點字組;意外致障組隸屬/陪伴性支持高於先天致障組。 三、 成人視障者在不同致障屬性背景變項,其復原力差異為,致障發生年齡在30歲以上組高於6歲以下組;後天致障組高於先天致障組;致障前有工作經驗組高於致障前無工作經驗組;獨自外出有使用輔助工具組高於無使用輔助工具組。 四、 成人視障者的社會支持與復原力可能存在有正相關,且自尊感維持對自我生活的控制正相關最高,和接受改變的正向意念及穩定的人際關係居次。同時,在自尊感維持及情緒/評價性社會支持對復原力可能具有預測力。   根據上述研究結論,分別向視覺障礙者、家人、重要他人、助人工作者、重建服務政策制定者及未來研究提出建議。
The purpose of this study is to explore social support and resilience in adults with visual impairment, as well as how social support influences resilience. The interviews were held in NGOs which provides services to adults with visual impairments in Taipei city, New Taipei City and YiLan County. There were156 valid subjects participated in the study. Instruments used in this study included Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL) and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale-25-Chinese version(CD-RISC-25). The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, ANOVA, correlation and regression analysis, and the main findings were as follows: There were no significant difference between various demographic backgrounds in both social support and resilience. Within 4 subscales of ISEL, the emotional or appraisal support received highest scores, followed by instrumental or tangible support, and self-esteem support. Among 5 factors of CD-RISC, factor 3 ‘positive acceptance of change and secure relationships’ received highest scores, followed by factor 5 ‘spiritual influences’ and factor1 ‘personal competence, high standards, and tenacity’. Educational status showed that participants with college degrees tended to have higher scores than high school graduates in emotional or appraisal support; and postgraduate participants tended to have higher scores than college graduates in self-esteem support. Participants who lived with family or friends had higher scores in companionship or belonging support than participants who lived alone. Participants who were employed tended to have higher scores than unemployed participants. As for the impairment attribution factors, braille users had higher scores than non-braille users in social support, appraisal support and companionship support; participants with acquired impairment tended to have higher scores than prenatal deficiency participants in companionship support. Regarding the attributions of impairment, participants whose visual impairment happened after 30-year-old tended to show better resilience than those happened before age 6. Participants with acquired impairments tended to have better resilience than those with prenatal deficiency; having work experience before visual impairment tended to show better resilience than those without work experience; participants using assistive devices tended to show better resilience than those not using assistive devices. Social support may have positive relationship with resilience. Research data demonstrated the highest positive correlation between self-esteem support and self-control, followed by positive acceptance of change and secure relationships. Meanwhile, self-esteem support and emotional or appraisal support may predict the outcome of resilience. Based on the research findings, discussion and specific recommendations were suggested to adults with visual impairment, family members, social workers, policy makers, rehabilitation services and future researchers accordingly.



視覺障礙者, 社會支持, 復原力, persons with visual impairmentsrt, social support, resilience

