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本研究旨在探究建構國際志工團隊及泰北僑校之間的夥伴關係,包含夥伴關係的內容、夥伴關係的合作過程,並提出夥伴關係的影響結果,最後,依研究結果提出建構夥伴關係之建議,以提供國際志工團隊、泰北僑校作為參考,吸引更多國際志工團隊投入泰北僑校服務。 本研究採質性研究,以深度訪談作為研究取向,訪談泰北僑校四位師長及國際志工團隊四位成員,共八位擔任研究參與者,歸納建構夥伴關係之重要內涵。本研究主要結論如下: 一、夥伴關係目標以「傳承中華文化的使命」、「提升泰北僑校師資」及「培育華文學習興趣」。 二、契合的夥伴關係包含「天時地利人和」、「具備專業能力」及「豐富夥伴關係的經驗」。 三、「共塑願景、持續學習及雙贏的夥伴關係」關鍵因素。 四、啟蒙多元價值,發展成熟夥伴關係的合作模式。 五、發掘夥伴關係具有拓展國際觀、促進外交及活絡經濟效益。 本研究依據研究結論,針對夥伴關係、國際志工團隊、泰北僑校及後續研究提出若干建議。
The purpose of this research was to explore the partnership between international volunteer team and overseas school in northern Thailand. The contents of partnership include definition, the process of cooperation model, and effects. By adapting qualitative method and based on in-depth interviews with eight participants, four participants of international volunteer team and four participants of overseas school in northern Thailand. The major findings of this study explored how to build the partnership. The conclusions are as follows: 1.The goal of the partnership based on “inheriting the Chinese culture’’, “enhancing the quality of teacher in the overseas school of northern Thailand” and “cultivating Chinese interest”. 2.The suitable partnership includes the right time right place right people, with professional competence and experience of the partnership. 3.The key factor includes creating the vision, continuous learning and win-win partnership. 4.The enlightenment of diverse value, the development of a mature partnership cooperation. 5.The partnership to expand the international perspective, and promote diplomacy and active economic benefits. Finally, the study provides some suggestions for government, international volunteer team, overseas school in northern Thailand, and the future researchers according to the findings.



夥伴關係, 國際志工團隊, 泰北僑校, Partnership, International Volunteer Team, Overseas School of Northern Thailand





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