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本研究旨在探討「文本架構之視覺呈現」(Text Structure Visual Display)的教學是否對於以英文作為外語學習的高中學生在讀後記憶與閱讀感想上有所成效。
研究對象為兩個班級共六十九位台灣高中一年級學生,其中37位為控制組,32位為實驗組。兩個班參加了為期八週共五篇課文的閱讀課程。控制組與實驗組的課程皆包含單字、文法重點與文章意義探討等,而實驗組再額外增加文本架構的教學,透過文本強化(Textual Enhancement),產出文本架構圖(Graphic Organizer)。整體課程開始的前一堂課與結束的後一堂課實施讀後記憶和閱讀感想之前測與後測,實驗組另於後測結束後進行問卷調查。從中收集的資料依性質進行量化和質性的分析,研究項目包含讀後記憶回想、文本閱讀感想、文本訊息推測和對此閱讀策略之態度。
The present study aims to explore whether text structure visual display makes a difference in EFL high school students’ reading recall, reading response, inference, and perceptions toward this reading strategy. Two classes of tenth graders, assigned to a control group (37 students) and an experimental group (32 students), participated in this study in eight weekly sessions which involved learning of five passages. Both groups were given instruction including vocabulary, grammar, and textual meaning. The experimental group was given additional treatment of text structure visual display for each of the five passages. Students had to identify the text structure in a text and fill in the graphic organizer with the support of textual enhancement. The pretest and the posttest of reading recall and reading response, conducted respectively in one class period before and after the entire treatment, were compared between groups. The task perceptions were drawn from the experimental group after their posttest. Analyses were conducted on the collected data to explore the effects of text structure visual display on students’ reading recall, reading response, inference, and perceptions of this reading strategy. The major findings are summarized as follows: First, the effect of the training was not significant on reading recall and it showed a general regress. While the control group recalled more than the experimental group in the pretest, the latter outperformed the former in the posttest, with the regress comparatively smaller. Second, for correct and incorrect inference, no significant effect was found between groups and between the pretest and the posttest. Third, in terms of reading response, five types of response emerged from students’ response writings, listed according to its thinking level hierarchically from low to high as follows: Textual, Personal, Intellectual, Critical-content, and Critical-rhetoric. Among them, Critical-rhetoric response, which relates to text structure, revealed significant training effect. While the control group performed better in the pretest, the experimental group outperformed the control group remarkably on this type of response in the posttest. Finally, the data on the questionnaire revealed that most students held a positive attitude toward text structure visual display. Overall, the findings in the present study suggest the feasibility and practicality of text structure visual display in English reading instruction. The findings may serve as references for incorporating text structure visual display as a reading strategy in high school English class in the future.
The present study aims to explore whether text structure visual display makes a difference in EFL high school students’ reading recall, reading response, inference, and perceptions toward this reading strategy. Two classes of tenth graders, assigned to a control group (37 students) and an experimental group (32 students), participated in this study in eight weekly sessions which involved learning of five passages. Both groups were given instruction including vocabulary, grammar, and textual meaning. The experimental group was given additional treatment of text structure visual display for each of the five passages. Students had to identify the text structure in a text and fill in the graphic organizer with the support of textual enhancement. The pretest and the posttest of reading recall and reading response, conducted respectively in one class period before and after the entire treatment, were compared between groups. The task perceptions were drawn from the experimental group after their posttest. Analyses were conducted on the collected data to explore the effects of text structure visual display on students’ reading recall, reading response, inference, and perceptions of this reading strategy. The major findings are summarized as follows: First, the effect of the training was not significant on reading recall and it showed a general regress. While the control group recalled more than the experimental group in the pretest, the latter outperformed the former in the posttest, with the regress comparatively smaller. Second, for correct and incorrect inference, no significant effect was found between groups and between the pretest and the posttest. Third, in terms of reading response, five types of response emerged from students’ response writings, listed according to its thinking level hierarchically from low to high as follows: Textual, Personal, Intellectual, Critical-content, and Critical-rhetoric. Among them, Critical-rhetoric response, which relates to text structure, revealed significant training effect. While the control group performed better in the pretest, the experimental group outperformed the control group remarkably on this type of response in the posttest. Finally, the data on the questionnaire revealed that most students held a positive attitude toward text structure visual display. Overall, the findings in the present study suggest the feasibility and practicality of text structure visual display in English reading instruction. The findings may serve as references for incorporating text structure visual display as a reading strategy in high school English class in the future.
文本架構, 視覺呈現, 讀後記憶, 閱讀感想, 文本強化, 文本架構圖, text structure, visual display, reading recall, reading response, textual enhancement, graphic organizer