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本研究取徑自AndersonBenedict的「想像共同體」,其以報紙與印刷做為民族的想像途徑。但今日由於傳播方式與時俱進,民族想像的方法也必然別於往昔,新媒介的出現使得華裔能藉由更加快速也更加直接的方法接觸台灣。空間與時間在新媒介下的凝縮,雖然出現全球文化受霸權文化所影響後的同一性之外,卻也提供族裔文化遠播的可能性。   台灣的流行音樂與偶像劇近年來憑藉著新媒介得以傳播至華語區域外的國度,並受到當地華裔的歡迎。大眾流行文化是最易於被華裔青少年接收的文化,也是他們最有興趣接觸台灣文化的場域。然而在全球化的市場下,台灣流行文化並無強大的競爭力與能見度,因此華裔青少年選擇接觸台灣流行文化文本的原因與其認同息息相關。意欲結合華裔研究與台灣流行文化的互動,用以往不曾出現的觀點來進行華裔研究,即是本研究動機。   本文研究方法使用問卷調查與訪談法,進行研究美國華裔青少年接受台灣流行文化管道與程度,接受行為背後動機以及探討接受其台灣流行文化文本行動背後之認同。   研究發現,華裔青少年接受台灣流行文化文本的原因,不只是將其視為單純的娛樂性流行文本而已,背後更有族裔區隔與自我認同的意義。本研究旨在從來台美籍華裔青少年接受台灣流行文化文本(流行歌曲、偶像劇)的行為上,進一步探析身處於雙重文化下的華裔青少年之自我定位,並嘗試解讀其行為的內涵意義。
This thesis is based on Anderson Benedict’s “Imagined Community”, which uses newspaper and printing as an imagined path for an ethnic community. Since media has recently evolved dramatically, the methods used by the “imagined community” has also changed. The appearance of new media has provided a new mean for the overseas Chinese to access and learn about Taiwan. The new media, shorting geographical distance, not only accelerates the growth of cultural imperialism, but also offers the possibility of spreading different ethnic cultures and, thus, influences the identity of an individual. Pop music and idol drama from Taiwan have reached to other Chinese geolinguistic region, and they are much admired by the overseas Chinese. Taiwanese pop culture has lower visibility and competitiveness due to globalization. Nevertheless, those overseas Chinese teenagers visiting Taiwan identify with Taiwanese pop culture, showing a success in the pop culture overseas. The motive for this thesis is to study the interaction of Chinese ethnicity with Taiwanese pop culture. The research has found that the reason for those overseas Chinese teenagers accepting Taiwanese pop culture is not only for the purpose of entertainment, but also related to self-identity. By analyzing the prevalence of Taiwanese pop culture (i.e., pop music and idol dramas) among Chinese American teenagers engaged in dual culture, this thesis attempts to interpret the behavior and identity of them .



美國華裔青少年, 台灣流行文化, 認同, 想像共同體, Overseas Chinese teenagers, Taiwanese pop culture, Identity, imagined community

