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空檔年(A Gap year)是近年在大學入學指定科目考試放榜後,經常被談論的一個話題,對於空檔年的概念歐美國家並不陌生,反觀國內即便有相關的雜誌專欄、網路文章等報導,也難成為風潮,原因係空檔生(Gappers)於空檔年的期間不單只有正面影響,負面的風險及代價也可能同時存在,故學生、家長評估後,仍會保守的以升學為主。本研究著重於經驗過程與回歸生活後的啟發或改變,提供日後有學子欲嚮往空檔年,可從訪談經驗中得到建議與參考。本研究透過訪談高中畢業生從事空檔年經驗,並從訪談紀錄中探討該經驗對其自我覺察影響為何,採用質性研究取向的深度訪談法,以四位有空檔年經驗的高中畢業生為研究對象,分析其空檔年時如何對自我覺察產生影響、透過覺察及檢視內心、觀察行為及與他人反饋的自己,以對自我做全面的了解與認識。研究者發現空檔生在從事空檔年體驗活動中,因為有社會機構的支持、親友的鼓勵及追求對自我認同的推動下,更期待展開新的體驗與生活。在空檔年過程因應環境、文化、人我應對上採取積極且正向的態度,覺察個人特質以克服逆境或創造機會;體驗過程有適應不良、想要中斷的念頭,此時給予自我對話的空間,透過調適心態並接納真實的自己,為自己做出合適的行為與抉擇,顯示空檔年過程中更能落實自我的覺察。空檔生在結束空檔年後,意識到個體皆是獨特的,藉由覺察自我的優勢與天賦,是可以具備宏觀的視野及多元的想法,來決定自己世界的格局。
This study explored the impact of the gap year experience on the self-awareness of high school graduates who engaged in the gap year experience through interview method. Using the qualitative research technique of in-depth interviews, four high school graduates with gap year experience were selected as research participants. This study sought to examine how participants' gap-year experience influences their self-awareness and their ability to gain a comprehensive understanding of themselves through self-examination, behavior, and feedback from others. This study found that the interviewees expected new experiences and lives with the support of social institutions, the encouragement of family and friends, and the pursuit of self-identity during their gap year. During the gap year, interviewees have adopted an optimistic attitude in response to the environment,culture, people, and self, and recognize personal characteristics to overcome adversity or create opportunities; however, the experience process invariably would have produced the notion of being unable to adapt and desiring to intervene. During this time, interviewees would settle and adjust their mentality alone in order to converse with themselves, accept their true selves, and gain greater self-awareness throughout the gap year. After completing their gap year, the interviewees have realized that people are unique and that there is no need to hide their flaws or imitate others. By understanding their own strengths and abilities, they can have a global perspective and multiple concepts to shape their own world.This study concludes that if Taiwanese high school graduates have a gap year experience, it will improve their personal independence, sense of responsibility, and self-confidence, help them discover their personal characteristics and expertise, and incorporate their gap year experience into college life. It can continue cultivating interests and establishing connections to future aspirations, preserve energy for future careers, and complete personality development.
This study explored the impact of the gap year experience on the self-awareness of high school graduates who engaged in the gap year experience through interview method. Using the qualitative research technique of in-depth interviews, four high school graduates with gap year experience were selected as research participants. This study sought to examine how participants' gap-year experience influences their self-awareness and their ability to gain a comprehensive understanding of themselves through self-examination, behavior, and feedback from others. This study found that the interviewees expected new experiences and lives with the support of social institutions, the encouragement of family and friends, and the pursuit of self-identity during their gap year. During the gap year, interviewees have adopted an optimistic attitude in response to the environment,culture, people, and self, and recognize personal characteristics to overcome adversity or create opportunities; however, the experience process invariably would have produced the notion of being unable to adapt and desiring to intervene. During this time, interviewees would settle and adjust their mentality alone in order to converse with themselves, accept their true selves, and gain greater self-awareness throughout the gap year. After completing their gap year, the interviewees have realized that people are unique and that there is no need to hide their flaws or imitate others. By understanding their own strengths and abilities, they can have a global perspective and multiple concepts to shape their own world.This study concludes that if Taiwanese high school graduates have a gap year experience, it will improve their personal independence, sense of responsibility, and self-confidence, help them discover their personal characteristics and expertise, and incorporate their gap year experience into college life. It can continue cultivating interests and establishing connections to future aspirations, preserve energy for future careers, and complete personality development.
自我覺察, 空檔年, Self-Awareness, A Gap Year