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本研究主要目的是瞭解南投縣某完全中學國中部學生生態飲食認知、環境敏感度、生態飲食行為意圖的現況,並探討學生個人背景因素、生態飲食認知、環境敏感度、生態飲食行為意圖之間的關係。 研究對象為九十八學年度第二學期就讀於南投縣某完全中學國中部七、八、九年級普通班在學學生,抽樣採分層隨機抽樣,每個年級各抽取6班,得有效樣本為569人。研究工具採自填式結構問卷,來進行資料收集,內容包含個人背景資料、生態飲食認知、環境敏感度、生態飲食行為意圖等四部份。 本研究主要結果如下: 一、受測學生對於生態飲食認知表現尚可,且具有良好的環境敏感度,在生態飲食行為意圖表現為中上程度。且三者在彼此間呈顯著正相關,其中環境敏感度與生態飲食行為意圖相關性最高。 二、受測學生的生態飲食認知會受年級、父親教育程度、 環保活動參與經驗、環保資訊接觸經驗等個人背景因素的影響。 三、受測學生的環境敏感度會受年級、自備餐具的頻率、主菜總類、環保活動參與經驗等個人背景因素的影響。 四、受測學生的生態飲食行為意圖會受性別、年級、午餐地點、自備餐具的頻率、主菜總類、環保活動參與經驗等個人背景因素的影響。 五、性別、午餐地點、自備餐具習慣、環境覺察度、環境關心度對生態飲食行為意圖較具解釋力,當中又以「環境關心度」解釋力為最大,亦即受測學生性別為女生、午餐在家用餐、外出用餐會自備餐具、環境覺察度及環境關心度越高的學生,其未來越有可能傾向採取生態飲食行為。
The main purpose of this study was to understand relationships among personal background factors, ecological diet awareness, environmental sensitivity, and intention of ecological diet behavior among the students in a junior high school in Nantou County. The seventh, eighth, ninth graders were the main subjects in the research. Stratified random sampling was used to select the subjects, with the participants being 569. The survey questionnaire included personal background information, ecological diet awareness, environmental sensitivity, and intention of ecological diet behavior. The main results were as follows: 1. The ecological diet awareness, environmental sensitivity, and intention of ecological diet behavior were positively correlated among the students, with environmental sensitivity and intention of ecological diet behavior being highly correlated. 2. Students' ecological diet awareness was influenced by grade, father’s education level, experiences of participating environmental protection activities, and experiences of access environmental information. 3. Students’ environmental sensitivity were influenced by grade, frequency of bringing own tableware, main category of diet, and experiences of participating environment protecting activities. 4. Students’ ' intention of ecological diet behavior were influenced by gender, grade, lunch venue, frequency of bringing own tableware, main category of diet, and experiences of participating environment protecting activities. 5. The variables of gender, lunch venue, frequency of bringing own tableware, environmental awareness, and environmental attention could significantly explain students’ intention of ecological diet behavior, with environmental attention having more explanatory power especially. The students who were female, eating lunch at home, bringing their own tableware frequently, having high environment awareness, and having high environment attention tend to adopt eco-eating behavior in the future. Based on the results, discussions and suggestions are provided for education of sustainable development and further studies.



生態飲食, 認知, 行為意圖, 環境敏感度, 國中學生, ecological diet high school student, awareness, intention, environmental sensitivity, high school student





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