

本研究旨在探討台灣高職學生的英語字彙學習策略,除了解各種不同字彙學習策略的使用頻率之外,也探討字彙學學習策略使用頻率和英文閱讀能力之間的關係。高閱讀能力及低閱讀能力受試者的字彙學習策略使用情形也加以探討。研究對象為106 位台灣北部某高職的高三學生,這些學生在填寫字彙學習策略問卷及接受英文閱讀能力測驗之後,根據量化統計資料分析,研究結果如下: 1.高職學生並不常使用字彙學習策略,最常使用的是決定策略,而最少使用的是社會策略。 2.高職學生傾向於注重單字的字形及字義,勝過於對單字使用方法的了解;他們亦偏愛機械化的學習策略。 3.高職學生的字彙學習策略使用頻率與其英文閱讀能力之間有顯著正相關,其中決定策略、記憶策略、及後設認知策略的使用尤其和英文閱讀能力有關。 4.英文閱讀能力較高的學生和閱讀能力較低的學生,在使用字彙學習策略的頻率方面有達到顯著差異,尤其是在決定策略及後設認知策略的使用上。閱讀能力較低的學生只有在忽略策略上,使用頻率顯著高於閱讀能力較高的學生。而在本研究中,忽略策略和閱讀能力之間是達到顯著負相關。 綜上所述,研究者建議應該要把以學習者為中心的學習策略教學,納入英文課程設計之中,如此才能提升語言學習者對自己字彙學習策略的認知,進而促進其語言學習的效率。此外,和英文閱讀能力達顯著正相關的字彙學習策略也應該提倡教導,以促進學習者英文閱讀能力的進步。
This study investigated Taiwanese vocational high school students’ use of vocabulary learning strategies and their relationship with students’ English reading proficiency. A total of 106 third-year vocational high school students in northern Taiwan filled out a vocabulary learning strategy questionnaire and took a reading proficiency test at the end of the first semester of school year 2006. The data collected were analyzed through quantitative and statistical examinations. The following are the major findings of the study. 1.Vocational high school students did not use vocabulary learning strategies very often. Determination strategies were reported as the most frequently used strategies while social strategies were reported as the least used ones. 2.Students tended to focus on the form and meaning rather than the usage of a word; mechanical strategies and rote learning were also favored. 3.There was a significant positive correlation between vocabulary learning strategies use and students’ reading proficiency; determination, memory, and metacognitive strategies were found to be correlated to students’ reading proficiency. 4.There was a significant difference between high and low reading proficiency students’ use of vocabulary learning strategies, especially determination and metacognitive strategies. The only strategy that was used significantly more often by low reading proficiency students, i.e., skipping or passing strategy, was found to be negatively correlated to reading proficiency. Based on the findings, the researcher suggests that the learner-centered strategy instruction should be incorporated into curriculum design to raise students’ awareness toward their use of vocabulary learning strategies and to facilitate the efficacy of language learning. Besides, vocabulary learning strategies related to reading proficiency should also be advocated to improve learners’ English reading ability.



字彙學習策略, 英文閱讀能力, vocabulary learning strategies, English reading proficiency





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