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大專校院面臨轉型改革之際,如何從早期「以教學為目的」以至於現今將大學教育偏重在「專業」、「職能培養」的概念上翻轉。為因應大學教育改革風潮,教育部開始重視通識教育中的「博雅」、「全人」教育,做為大學改革的重點工作。在這樣的機緣以及思考下,取法西方書院教育的制度式改革,一時成了台灣大專校院嘗試改革時的一種方式及趨勢。因此,本研究藉由馬偕共學園架構與內涵之探討,試圖藉此對大學通識教育改革,提出可供參考的方向。 本研究首先對於中西方書院教育的傳統及內涵進行溯源;其次針對目前臺灣大專校院書院教育實施的狀況進行評析;最後對於馬偕醫學院提出以書院精神為內涵的「共學園」架構進行討論。 為探討馬偕醫學院「共學園」之架構及內涵,本研究採質性研究,藉由個別訪談,對於共學園的架構及內涵進行理解。訪談過程中邀請五位對於馬偕共學園建構有直接參與及影響力者進行訪談;藉由訪談,理解共學園整體架構之建立以及其內涵。本研究的結論如下: 一、馬偕共學園架構及內涵合乎西方傳統書院教育之精神。 二、馬偕共學園架構模式重要影響因素,包含所有參與者對西方書院教育之認知與取捨、行政資源之投入,以及課程內容之設計與規劃等。 本研究對馬偕共學園架構發展歷程及內涵之分析及所得結論,期許可提供國內大學院校推動並落實書院教育理想之參考。
Colleges and universities are undergoing transformative changes, transforming the earlier ‘teaching and learning centered education to the one that emphasizes on professional and career development. In order to meet the needs of such transformation, the Ministry of Education focuses on the liberal arts and holistic education as a means to the end. Because of that, it becomes a trend for local colleges and universities to look up to the Western Collegiate Education’s systemic changes, as a model for change. This study attempted to look into the reformation of the liberal arts education of Mackay Medical College (MMC) based on its existing collegiate campus organizational structure. This study discussed, amongst others, the traditions and essences of both western and eastern collegiate education; secondly it also analyzed the practices of collegiate education in Taiwanese colleges and universities, and the findings of which were used as a proposal to MMC for the formation and promotion of a collegiate campus bases on collegiate educational spirit. In order to achieve the above purposes, qualitative research was held with hope to gain insight of the structure and essence of collegiate campus. The researcher interviewed five people who have influences over and have been directly participated in the formation of the idea of collegiate campus in MMC. The research concluded as follows: 1.The organizational structure and content of MMC’s collegiate campus is in line with the spirit of Western Collegiate Education 2.The important factors that affect the collegiate campus of MMC, amongst others, include the understanding and perception of Western Collegiate Education among the school stakeholders, the administrative resources invested as well as the curriculum designs, etc. The research discussed and analyzed the collegiate campus, its structure and portfolio, with hope to provide a reference for those who plan to execute collegiate education in their campuses, and serve as a reflection for potential problems and solutions.



全人教育, 博雅教育, 書院教育, 共學園, 馬偕醫學院, Holistic Education, Liberal Arts Education, Collegiate Education, Collegiate Campus, Mackay Medical College





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