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Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the factors influencing the compliances of follow-up behaviors of HBV carriers. We focused on the following factors:personal background, health belief, health locus control, the knowledge of hepatitis B, and social support. We recruited 273 HBV carriers detected by the community screening programs by Liver Disease Prevention& Treatment Research Foundation and mailed structured questionnaires to them. The results of data analysis were as follows: 1. Whether HBV carriers received subsequent follow-up were correlated with the following factors, such as age, marital status, family members suffering from liver disease, a fixed place for medical treatment, experience of receiving liver function test, aware of existed hepatitis B before the screening, social support, the knowledge of hepatitis B, the seriousness, effectiveness, and obstacle of health beliefs. 2. Whether HBV carriers received subsequent follow-up could be predicted by the following factors, such as age, marital status, family members suffering from liver disease, a fixed place for medical treatment, experience of receiving liver function test, aware of existed hepatitis B before the screening, the knowledge of hepatitis B, the effectiveness of health belief. The predictive power was 41.1%. For the health promotion of HBV carriers, we suggested that in addition to further promote the basic concepts of regular screening for hepatitis B, the implementation of long-term follow-up and management for the high-risk population, and disseminating the proper knowledge of hepatitis B, were also needed. Key words: HBV carriers, knowledge of hepatitis B, social support, health belief, compliant follow-up behavior of liver function examination
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the factors influencing the compliances of follow-up behaviors of HBV carriers. We focused on the following factors:personal background, health belief, health locus control, the knowledge of hepatitis B, and social support. We recruited 273 HBV carriers detected by the community screening programs by Liver Disease Prevention& Treatment Research Foundation and mailed structured questionnaires to them. The results of data analysis were as follows: 1. Whether HBV carriers received subsequent follow-up were correlated with the following factors, such as age, marital status, family members suffering from liver disease, a fixed place for medical treatment, experience of receiving liver function test, aware of existed hepatitis B before the screening, social support, the knowledge of hepatitis B, the seriousness, effectiveness, and obstacle of health beliefs. 2. Whether HBV carriers received subsequent follow-up could be predicted by the following factors, such as age, marital status, family members suffering from liver disease, a fixed place for medical treatment, experience of receiving liver function test, aware of existed hepatitis B before the screening, the knowledge of hepatitis B, the effectiveness of health belief. The predictive power was 41.1%. For the health promotion of HBV carriers, we suggested that in addition to further promote the basic concepts of regular screening for hepatitis B, the implementation of long-term follow-up and management for the high-risk population, and disseminating the proper knowledge of hepatitis B, were also needed. Key words: HBV carriers, knowledge of hepatitis B, social support, health belief, compliant follow-up behavior of liver function examination
B型肝炎帶原者, B型肝炎知識, 社會支持, 健康信念, 追蹤檢查行為, HBV carriers, knowledge of hepatitis B, social support, health belief, compliant follow-up behavior of liver function examination