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1. 在差異性分析中經由單因子相依變異數分析發現學生於生活能源STE素養之間表現具有差異性,其中在科技素養表現最佳、其次是科學素養,最後則是工程素養。
2. 透過獨立樣本t檢定中發現學生生活能源STE素養表現男性學生優於女性學生;高中學生優於高職學生。
3. 透過單因子獨立變異數分析發現學生在生活能源STE素養表現,三年級與一年級學生優於二年級學生;自然組學生優於社會組與其他類別。
4. 在相關性分析中透過回歸分析發現學生之自我導向學習與動手做態度會對其生活能源STE素養表現具有正相關性。因此學生之自我導向學習與動手做態度越好其生活能源STE素養的表現也會越好。
Resources from everyday practices can be viewed as mediational means teachers can use in order to provide support for students learning about issues and themes. That is, in contextualizing instructional method, teachers can focus on using students' everyday experiences as materials for teaching STEM subject matter at school. To support the ideology of learning concept from daily life, the present study focused on the living energy literacy of science, technology, and engineering which abbreviation as living energy STE literacy. Moreover, to compare the difference in living energy STE literacy between general high school and vocational school students, this study designed a quiz to explore the difference in living energy STE literacy between two types of high school students in STE literacy. This research employed a questionnaire survey method, covering self-directed learning and hands-on attitude to explore their correlates to living energy STE literacy. Totaling 479 participants from general high and vocational high school student in northern Taiwan. There were 408 useful samples in the study. 1. By using RM-ANOVA statistical method to compare the difference between the living energy STE literacy, the present study found that in the living energy STE literacy, Students performed the best in technology literacy, second is science literacy and the last is engineering literacy. 2. By using t-test statistical method to compare the difference in gender and school attributes, the present study found that in the living energy STE literacy male students performed better than female students, and high school students performed better than vocational students. 3. By using ANOVA statistical method to compare the difference in grades and groups, the present study found that in the living energy STE literacy, senior and freshman performed better than sophomore, and science& engineering major students performed better than social sciences major and others. 4. In addition to differential study, the present study also conducted the relationship between students’ hands-on attitude and STE, and self-directed learning and STE. The results revealed that self-directed learning and hands-on attitude are positively related to living energy STE literacy; indicating the higher level of hands-on attitude students had, the high level of science, technology, and engineering related to living energy knowledge they would have.
Resources from everyday practices can be viewed as mediational means teachers can use in order to provide support for students learning about issues and themes. That is, in contextualizing instructional method, teachers can focus on using students' everyday experiences as materials for teaching STEM subject matter at school. To support the ideology of learning concept from daily life, the present study focused on the living energy literacy of science, technology, and engineering which abbreviation as living energy STE literacy. Moreover, to compare the difference in living energy STE literacy between general high school and vocational school students, this study designed a quiz to explore the difference in living energy STE literacy between two types of high school students in STE literacy. This research employed a questionnaire survey method, covering self-directed learning and hands-on attitude to explore their correlates to living energy STE literacy. Totaling 479 participants from general high and vocational high school student in northern Taiwan. There were 408 useful samples in the study. 1. By using RM-ANOVA statistical method to compare the difference between the living energy STE literacy, the present study found that in the living energy STE literacy, Students performed the best in technology literacy, second is science literacy and the last is engineering literacy. 2. By using t-test statistical method to compare the difference in gender and school attributes, the present study found that in the living energy STE literacy male students performed better than female students, and high school students performed better than vocational students. 3. By using ANOVA statistical method to compare the difference in grades and groups, the present study found that in the living energy STE literacy, senior and freshman performed better than sophomore, and science& engineering major students performed better than social sciences major and others. 4. In addition to differential study, the present study also conducted the relationship between students’ hands-on attitude and STE, and self-directed learning and STE. The results revealed that self-directed learning and hands-on attitude are positively related to living energy STE literacy; indicating the higher level of hands-on attitude students had, the high level of science, technology, and engineering related to living energy knowledge they would have.
生活能源STE素養, 自我導向學習, 動手做態度, Living energy literacy, Self-directed learning, Hands-on attitude