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根據2012年行政院主計處統計發現2001至2011年平均離職率高於前十年,相對地有關離職議題的學位論文也有增加的趨勢,然而,歷年來卻無研究者針對離職傾向相關研究提出整合性的分析。因此,本研究欲達成下列的目的:一、分析2001年至2012年國內產業員工離職傾向學位論文之研究現況。二、探討2001年至2012年國內產業員工離職傾向學位論文之研究趨勢。三、分析國內歷年學位論文之研究建議,歸納出各產業離職傾向研究之重點。 本研究採用質量並用的內容分析法對國內產業員工的離職傾向研究之學位論文進行探討,使用國家圖書館碩博士論文網作為資料庫,並以便利取樣選出405篇學位論文,進行編碼和統計分析。 本研究主要發現包括:一、學位論文的研究對象以跨行業為主;二、「工作滿足」、「人口統計」與「組織承諾」為探討與離職傾向的主要變項因素;三、後續研究建議以「擴大研究範圍」與「探討其他變項因素」為主;四、歷年學位論文較少用社會層面的變項因素探討離職傾向;五、學位論文篇數在2008年得到最高峰。
According to DGBAS statistics showed in 2012 that the average turnover rate from 2001 to 2011 was higher than in the previous decade, and the theses of turnover issues were also the same tendency. Over the years, the researchers did not study for proposing meta-analysis of turnover issues before. The main purpose of this study was to analysis the research status of theses, to integrate the research trends of theses and to summarize the distinguishing feature of theses about employee turnover intention of the domestic enterprises in recent ten years. This study used content analysis to investigate the theses of turnover intention research in the domestic enterprises. In this study used the National Library of Dissertations network as a database, and used convenience sampling to select 405 theses as a sample. Significant results were as followed: (1) Most of the theses of study sample were cross-industry; (2) “Job satisfaction”, “Demographic variable”, and “organizational commitment” were the main variables in turnover intention researches; (3) “To expand the research scope”, and “to investigate the other variables” were the main suggestions in turnover intention researches; (4) Fewer variables of social level to investigate with turnover intention; (5) Most of turnover intention researches published in 2008.



離職傾向, 內容分析法, 描述性分析, 評鑑性分析, turnover intention, content analysis, descriptive level analysis, evaluative level analysis

