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面對以有用母語閱讀經驗的二語學習者,在不擅長華語識字與閱讀的情況下,該如何提升其識字與閱讀能力是研究者本身要面對的挑戰。然用以閱讀文章進行識字與理解策略的學習模式來導入二語學習者的課程中,在研究者任教的語言學校中是少見且屬待開發的教學模式。 故本篇論文的目地在於針對初級華語學習者,以泰國語言學校中現有的學習教材,導入識字閱讀教學策略,設計相關主題教案並利用線上教學方式實施,探究此教學模式是否能提升學生學習成效。同時也改善教師的教學能力以提升教學品質,使學生更熱衷於課堂之中。 本研究採用行動研究以及結構性訪談調查法,結合理論探討與實際實施狀況分析,發展符合本研究教學目標與課程設計。首先針對學生學習背景、家長需求與教師工作環境的要求進行分析後,設計具備多元智能發展、融合數位科技的課程活動,以i+1教學理論與文學本位教學模式作為本研究教學架構設計與實踐步驟的依據,課程實施後,以數位科技測驗與訪談方式調查課程的實施成效,並檢討、評估教學模式的可行性,最後根據學生與家長的學習成效和回饋,再將原先構想的教學模式加以改進,使之成為適合該校學生的學習模式與教師的教學指引。
Face on the learners who has good experience with literacy reading experi-ence on their own language but less experience to using second language to read, how we improve their abilities of recognize the Chinese characters and reading arti-cle was quite a big challenge. In my language school we not focus on reading, my student also not interested in learning Chinese, that why I want to improve this situa-tion. The Covid-19 suddenly happened in this year, most of the school closed but learning can't stop, in this case we took online curriculum, one by one and each stu-dents took 40mins. In this research those student who come from international school, design the course that combined with multi-intelligence were very important, cause that could be effectively change their mind to learning Chinese and improve their read abilities. Therefore, during the online Chinese curriculum we had been depend on "i+1" theories, " literature-based teaching model" and use more fun activities which wasKahoot, Quizlet and E-book to let students focus on their learning. At same time the teacher also could improve their teaching skills. In this research, we analyzed stu-dents learning background and parents expects, after the course we depend on stu-dents learning progress and parents feedback to analyze the whole teaching result.



二語學習, 閱讀教學策略, 文學本位教學, 泰國線上華語教學, Second language learner, literature-Based Instruction, online teaching, Chinese teaching in Thailand





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