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本研究先探討大臺北地區,營造業基層中高齡全職勞工目前的工作狀況,希望藉由他們的詮釋與因應,進一步了解他們的退休態度,以及面臨退休時所做的準備,希望將研究結果提供給相關單位參考,讓他們有更好的退休生活。 本研究採質性研究方法,以立意抽樣的方式,訪談居住在大臺北地區、年齡介於45-64歲之間的營造業基層全職勞工,研究結果如下: 一、面對不確定的環境因素,營造業基層全職勞工只能習慣與適應,儘管工作為體力性、重複性高的工作,還要忍受許多職業病和歧視眼光,身心俱疲、薪資福利差,也會努力完成工作。 二、退休態度受身體健康狀況與經濟狀況所影響,身體若能負擔營造業的工作內容,會因為想要照顧家中成員的生活而繼續工作;若是無法負擔,只好被迫從營造業中退休。 三、營造業基層中高齡全職勞工面對退休所做的準備: (一)學習層面:避免考試和評分、課程的設計要有動手操作的機會,對生活科技、身體保健的課程有興趣。 (二)經濟層面:害怕風險高的投資方式,以保守的儲蓄、保險為主,面臨經濟壓力時,只好使用退休金及重回職場。 (三)生理層面:揮去多油、鹽的飲食習慣、追求從都市到郊區、搬動到運動的動態活動,延續原有的健檢及睡眠習慣。 (四)心理層面:退休生活不寂寞,用活動來填補心裡的空虛。 (五)靈性層面:虔誠參拜保平安、健康,當志工累積福報。 (六)人際互動層面:以聚會、旅遊和爬山,增加與職場同事、家庭成員互動的機會與頻率。 上述的退休態度,環繞著注重家人關係的維持與聯繫、對於動態活動的參與意願高、追求低成本和高效益的思考因素,且與退休前的生活互補。
This study explores the current situations of the full-time Construction Industry for the grass-roots elder workers in the Greater Taipei Area. Through their interpretations and responses, we can learn more about their retirement attitudes and the preparation for upcoming retirement. The findings of this study will be provided to the related departments to help the elderly workers of the Construction Industry to have a better retired life. The methods used in this paper are known as qualitative research methods, through purposive sampling method to interview the Construction Industry grass-roots full-time workers who are between the ages of 45-64 live in the Greater Taipei Area. Results are as follows: First, they facing of an uncertain external environment factors, Construction Industry workers just habits and adapt it. Although they had physical and repeatable works, they still have to endure occupational diseases and discriminatory vision. Even if they are exhausted and get poor wages and benefits, Construction Industry workers just make efforts to complete the work. Second, the retirement attitudes are affected by health status and economic situation. If they can accept the burdens of work, they will continue to work for taking care of their family members. If it’s unacceptable, they will retire from the Construction Industry. Third, the retired preparations that made by older Construction Industry workers as follows: (1)The learning level: They will avoid testing and grading. They ask for the courses which have the opportunities to do something hand-making. As for life science and technology, health care programs they are interested. (2)The economic level: They will fear of high-risk investment.They will conservative savings, insurance-based. But when they face the economic pressure, they tend to use pension and return to the workplace. (3)The physical level: They will have oil and salt diet. They will pursuit the life from the city to the suburbs, and do dynamic sporting activities. They will make the health check and sleep habits continuingly. (4)The psychological level: Their retirements are not lonely. They will have activities to fill the emptiness of the heart. (5)The spiritual dimension level: They have the sincere religion in order to have security and healthy. They also will be a volunteer to cumulative reward. (6)The level of interaction: They will gather of tourism and mountain climbing to increase the opportunities and frequencies of interaction with workplace colleagues and family members. Aforementioned retirement attitude are surrounded by maintaining and contacting family relations, also they will interest in the dynamic activities and pursuit the lower costs but high efficiency, and furthermore the retired life complements the life before retirement.



中高齡勞工, 全職勞工, 營造業, 退休態度, 退休準備, middle-aged and older workers, full-time workers, construction industry, retirement attitudes, retirement preparation





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