

摘 要 本研究目的為:驗證一般男性高爾夫球友在練習場之一號木桿擊球距離與方向偏差值、200碼、150碼、100碼、50碼偏差值以及1公尺推桿進球率、2公尺推桿進球率、5公尺推桿距離控制對差點之預測情形,做為高爾夫教練在爾後訓練一般球友時之參考,進而預測一般球友的運動表現。本研究以參與球隊並有差點證明的一般男性高爾夫球友108位為主要研究對象,平均年齡52.12±8.12歲、平均球齡5.21±3.45年,平均差點為15.77±5.82,所有實驗受試者皆接受本研究九項技術水準測驗,並且具有球隊之差點證明,以積差相關與逐步多元迴歸分析探討九個自變項與依變項差點之相關與預測情形。就本研究各項條件限制下所得到的結果,經過分析討論後,可以得到如下之結論:一、差點越低者會有較少的一號木桿方向偏差值,與較遠的一號木桿擊球距離。二、差點越低者,200碼、100碼偏差值會有較低的現象。三、差點越低者,會有較高的1公尺推桿進球率與較好的5公尺推桿距離控制。四、經由逐步多元迴歸分析的結果發現:進入迴歸方程式的變項共有六個,依選入順序分別為:ㄧ號木桿方向偏差值(B)、1公尺推桿進球率(G)、200碼偏差值(C)、5公尺推桿距離控制(I)、ㄧ號木桿擊球距離(A)、100碼偏差值(E),多元迴歸相關係數為0.921,聯合解釋變異量為0.849。 標準化迴歸方程式如下: 差點(Y)= 0.419(B)- 0.404(G)+ 0.183(C)+ 0.132(I)- 0.226(A) - 0.134(E) 原始化迴歸方程式如下: 差點(Y)= 33.401 + 0.371(B)- 0.118(G)+ 7.659(C)+ 2.235(I)- 7.618(A) - 0.163(E)
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to investigate the situation that male golf amateur players’ driver distance, aim departure, 200 yards departure, 150 yards departure, 100 yards departure, 50 yards departure, 1 meter putt performance, 2 meters putt performance and 5 meters putt distance control to predict handicap. Furthermore, provide the result to the golf coach as reference resources when they train male golf amateur players and evaluate their golf performance. The participants were 108 male golf amateur players who were join golf team and have the certificate of handicap .The average were 52.12±8.12 yrs of age, golf experience were 5.21±3.45 yrs, handicap were 15.77±5.82. All research participants were accepted nine technical level tests. Researcher use product-moment correlation and stepwise regression to examine the relations between nine independent variables and dependent variable. Conclusions: 1. Low handicapper had fewer driver aim departure and longer driver distance. 2. Low handicapper had fewer 200 yards departure and 100 yards departure. 3. Low handicapper had high percentage of the 1 meter putt performance and better 5 meters putt distance control. 4. The result by stepwise regression: there are six variables into the equation, including driver aim departure (B), 1 meter putt performance (G), 200 yards departure (C), 5 meters putt distance control (I), driver distance (A), 100 yards departure (E). The R is 0.921and R square is 0.849. Standardized coefficients: handicap(Y)=0.419(B) - 0.404(G) +0.183(C) + 0.132(I) - 0.226(A) - 0.134(E) Raw coefficients: handicap(Y)=33.401 + 0.371(B) - 0.118(G) + 7.659(C) + 2.235(I) - 7.618(A) - 0.163(E)



高爾夫差點, ㄧ號木桿擊球距離, 偏差值, 進球率, 推桿距離控制, handicap, driver distance, departure, putt performance, putt distance control





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