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數位科技發展與匯流的概念的成形,使科學傳播透過各種大眾傳播媒介提供接觸科學知識的管道,提昇大眾科學素養。2008年電影《瓦力》由迪士尼公司發行,在歐美地區上映後,結合當地產、官、學資源,運用實體展演、網路影音、網站活動、數位資源等方式延伸《瓦力》電影角色的圖像與科學議題,進行許多科學活動。而《瓦力》於同年引進臺灣後,國內在行銷宣傳上以「宅男」為主題,在科學議題討論應用上更是付之闕如,突顯國內外科學傳播在調性上的不同。 為瞭解《瓦力》之科學活動的科學傳播特性,以及如何借鏡於國內科學傳播之發展,本研究透過科學傳播的娛樂(Entertainment)、情緒(Emotion)、教育(Education)之3E模式,與知覺(Awareness)、享受(Enjoyment)、興趣(Interest)、觀點(Opinion)與理解(Understanding)之AEIOU基本意涵,分析電影《瓦力》的科學活動之科學傳播特性,並透過訪談國內科學傳播界之專家學者、影視從業人員,從《瓦力》之科學傳播實踐作為借鏡,探討國內科學傳播發展之現況與未來。 研究結果發現,《瓦力》的科學活動主要透過實體展演和網路活動讓大眾參與,活動設計上具備科學傳播3E模式的元素,以及能引起科學傳播中的AEIOU回應。《瓦力》的科學活動顯示國內在科學傳播環境的養成、科學傳播產製的原創性、媒介通道多元性、行銷推廣均需要再加強動能。進一步探討,發現國內的科學傳播發展尚處萌芽期,有待政府之扶持,從教育和制度面著手推動;也有待學術領域之注入,透過學術研究進行催化與監督;以及產業界之自主提昇,吸引大眾對科學產生興趣。此外,科學傳播牽涉科學與人文兩造不同的學門,故有賴各界共同參與,才能共創科學傳播之榮景。
Along with the development of digital technology and convergence, science communication provides science knowledge through communication media. After Wall-E released by Disney Picture at America and Europe on 2008, the movie extend many science activities through real display, internet video shows, internet activities, and digital resources which corporate with local industry, government, and academic institution. However, science issues extended from movie Wall-E had discussed rarely in Taiwan, which outstands differences in science communication environment between America, Europe and Taiwan. In order to realize science communication properties of Wall-E’s science activities, and to borrow as a reference for science communication exploration in Taiwan, this research analysis science communication properties of Wall-E’ by 3E (Entertainment, Enjoyment, and Education) model and AEIOU(Awareness, Enjoyment , Interest, Opinion, and Understanding) connotation. This research also discusses science communication status and future in Taiwan from Wall-E’s science practice by interviewing professors, media workers. The result shows Wall-E’s science activities got public participation by real display and Internet activities, which incorporates 3E elements and AEIOU responses. Wall-E’s science activities show that science communication in Taiwan needs more energy for environment cultivation, media diversity, and market promotion. This research points out that science communication in Taiwan is at stages in germination, which needs government pushing from education and politic regulation, and academia involving for catalytic and supervision, and evaluation of industry to attract audience’ interest in science. Furthermore, science communication involves science and humanism academia, which relies on participation of people from all circles.



瓦力, 科學傳播, 科學活動, Wall-E, Science Communication, Science Activity

