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本研究旨在探討大專校院競技啦啦隊選手知覺教練領導行為、參與動機與集體效能之關係,以大專校院競技啦啦隊選手共472名選手為研究對象,於2012年11月12日至11月30日以問卷進行資料的蒐集,並以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析及多元逐步迴歸分析進行統計分析。在量化資料統計完畢後,再於2013年5月3日至11日,將參與100學年度大專盃啦啦隊錦賽各組第一名的學校,各取一位選手(共三位)進行半結構訪談,以瞭解大專校院競技啦啦隊選手知覺教練領導行為、參與動機與集體效能之現況為何,研究發現如下: 一、教練的領導行為對大專校院競技啦啦隊選手具有影響力,參與動機的形成會讓選手提升對此項運動的興趣與熱情,而在集體效能的形成,以提升團隊的信心為最重要。 二、大專校院競技啦啦隊選手在接觸競技啦啦隊時間、接受教練指導時間、比賽組別及比賽成績對教練的領導行為有影響力;不同性別、接觸競技啦啦隊時間、比賽組別對於參與動機有影響力;年級與比賽成績則對集體效能有影響力。 三、轉型領導的「促進合作」、「智能啟發」及參與動機的「內在動機」、「無動機」對集體效能有預測力。 本研究結果期待能提供給我國大專校院競技啦啦隊教練作為領導選手時的方針,或當作大專校院競技啦啦隊重點發展學校選聘教練時的參考依據,以間接提升我國競技啦啦隊的水準。
This study aimed to explore the relationship of cheerleading players perceived coaches’ leadership behavior, motivation, and collective efficacy in universities and colleges. There were 472 participants, the cheerleading players of the universities and colleges, from who were collected information by using questionnaires. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and multiple stepwise regression analysis were performed for data analysis. In order to understand better how the cheerleading players perceived coaches’ leadership behavior, motivation, and collective efficacy, three interviewees were selected respectively from three top ranked teams of 2012 college national cheerleading championship. The major findings were as followed: 1. The cheerleading players were influenced in coaches’ promote cooperation leadership behavior, player’s intrinsic motivation is the most effective motivation to maintain players’ passion and enthusiasm, collective efficacy is also affected by the confidence level of the team. 2. The cheerleading players were more affected to coaches’ leadership behavior during practice, competition, competition division and different team goals. Different gender, participant years and competition division were also affected to motivations. Those senior members and the past competition places were more affected to team cohesion. 3. “Promote cooperation ” and “intellectual stimulation” in transformational leadership, as well as “intrinsic motivation” and “no motivation” in motivations contributed significantly to team cohesion. The findings of this study could be a reference to the coaches in universities and colleges cheerleading teams in the further improve the level of cheerleading in Taiwan.



競技啦啦隊, 轉型領導, 參與動機, 集體效能, cheerleading, transformational leadership, motivation, collective efficacy





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