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本研究主要探討模擬學習應用於組織發展菁英主管之可行性,並針對組織發展菁英主管,建構一套整合模擬學習、職能評鑑且能落實職能之學習模式,再就此模式進行學習成效評估,以確認其具體效益,並期做為組織發展菁英主管的參考。 本研究採用質性研究的紮根理論研究方法,針對高科技製造業之菁英主管、人資及模擬學習供應商之主管等11位受訪者進行訪談,以探討模擬學習應用於組織發展菁英主管之可行性,並根據訪談蒐集資料,分析歸納出一套菁英主管發展模式與理論。之後並參考Kirkpatrick的四階層評估模型與Jack Phillips之學習成效評估ROI模式,藉由調查研究法,蒐集學習成效相關資料並進行分析,以確認此學習模式之具體成效。 本研究發現,若能確實推動有效的模擬學習,並經適當的需求分析與設計,應用模擬學習以發展菁英主管應具可行性。本研究也發展出一套整合模擬學習、職能評鑑且能落實職能之菁英主管發展模式與理論,並發現其在Kirkpatrick的四個層級及ROI層級都有正面的學習成效。研究最後亦分別針對有意應用模擬學習之組織及未來研究者提出建議,並探討本研究在實務上的意涵。
This study aimed to explore the feasibility of simulation learning upon the development of organizational talent, to construct a learning model including simulation learning, competency assessment and the application of competency to actual workplace, and finally to evaluate the learning effectiveness of the learning model. According to the purposes of this study, the grounded theory was applied to collect and analyze the qualitative data through in-depth interview with 11 interviewees from two high-tech companies and one simulation learning vendor for exploring the feasibility of simulation learning and constructing the learning model. In order to evaluate and verify the learning effectiveness of the learning model, this study used survey research method to collect and analyze information based on Kirkpatrick's Learning Evaluation Model and Jack Philips’ ROI Model. The results of this study are as the follow: (1) Organizations could foster talent by means of valid and well-designed simulation learning. (2) The integrated learning model including simulation learning, competency assessment and the application of competency to actual workplace has been built. (3) The results of the learning model are positive in Kirkpatrick's 4 levels and Jack Philips’ ROI level. This study also provides some suggestions and implications in the end of this study.



模擬學習, 職能, 職能評鑑, 菁英人才發展, Simulation Learning, Competency, Competency Evaluation, Talent Development

