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  本研究旨在探討大臺北地區自行車參與者休閒態度與休閒效益之關係。休閒態度所探討為休閒認知、休閒情意及行為意念三個構面;休閒效益所探討為生理效益、心理效益、社交效益及自我實現效益四個構面。本研究以大臺北地區自行車參與者為研究對象,採立意抽樣之方式進行問卷調查;研究工具包含休閒態度量表與休閒效益量表,整理後得到有效問卷494份,所得資料以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關及典型相關等統計方法進行分析,研究結果摘錄如下: 一、大臺北地區自行車參與者以男性為主,教育程度則是大專校院最多,職業以服務業最多,年齡介於21~30歲及31~40歲者佔多數,婚姻狀況未婚居多,每月所得在20,001~40,000元之間,資訊來源主要為網路,休閒同伴多為朋友同事,參與騎乘自行車活動的年數多數為不滿一年,每週休閒頻率以1次為最多。 二、大臺北地區自行車參與者具有良好的休閒態度,背景變項中在性別、收入水準及參與年數表現出差異情形。 三、大臺北地區自行車參與者休閒效益感受良好,背景變項中在性別、教育程度、收入水準、參與年數及休閒頻率對休閒效益造成差異情形。 四、休閒態度與休閒效益有顯著正相關,以休閒認知及休閒情意構面與生理效益因素構面之相關值最高,行為意念構面與社交效益構面次高,其他構面亦有正向的影響。 五、休閒態度及休閒效益之間,有兩個典型相關係數達到顯著水準。休閒認知、休閒情意及行為意念對生理效益、心理效益、社交效益及自我實現效益呈現高度相關情形。   本研究發現大臺北自行車參與者休閒態度對休閒效益有正面的影響關係,建議政府管理當局能推廣民眾積極參與自行車活動,針對不同需求的自行車參與者,規劃不同的路線,並且能提供自行車參與者在進行休閒活動時的需求,以提升自行車參與者的休閒效益,獲得更佳的生活水準及生活品質。
The purpose of the research is to discuss the relationship between leisure attitude and leisure benefits of cyclists in great Taipei area. Leisure attitude focuses on three dimensions - leisure cognition, leisure affection, and behavioral intention. Leisure benefits discuss four aspects - physiological benefits, psychological benefits, social benefits, and self-realization. The interviewees of the research are cyclists in great Taipei area and the questionnaire survey was conducted with purposive sampling method. Study tools include leisure attitude and leisure benefits scale forms. 494 effective questionnaires are obtained after reviewed, and the data was analyzed with statistics methods of t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and canonical correlation. The conclusion of the research is abstracted as follows: 1. Cyclists in great Taipei area are mainly male with education level of college/university. The majority occupies in service industry at the age of 21~30 and 31~40. Most marriage statuses are unmarried and the range of average monthly income is between $20,001~$40,000. The major information source is the Internet. Most cyclists have friends and colleagues as companions, and have less than one year cycling experience. The frequency of cycling is usually once a week. 2. Cyclists in great Taipei area have good leisure attitude and there are significant differences between leisure attitude and the background variables of sex, income level, and cycling experience. 3. Cyclists in great Taipei area enjoy great leisure benefits and there are significant differences between leisure benefits and the background variables of sex, education level, income level, cycling experience and frequency. 4. Leisure attitude and leisure benefits have significant positive correlation. Leisure cognition and leisure affection have highest correlation with physiological benefits, and behavioral intention has second highest correlation with social benefits. Other aspects also show positive effects. 5. The descriptive statistics results of the relationship between leisure attitude and leisure benefits show the coefficients of two canonical correlations achieve significant level. Leisure cognition, leisure affection, and behavioral intention are highly correlated with physiological benefits, psychological benefits, social benefits, and self-realization. The research proves that leisure attitude of cyclists in great Taipei area has positive effect on leisure benefits. We suggest the authorities should encourage people to participate in cycling activities, design suitable routes for participants with different needs, and fulfill cyclists’ needs when doing leisure activities, and therefore enhance leisure benefits, living standard, and life quality of cyclists.



自行車, 休閒態度, 休閒效益, bicycles, cyclists, leisure attitude, leisure benefits

