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本研究之目的在探討希望感在國中生同儕受害與內化性行為問題之間,是否具有調節效果。同儕受害包含關係受害與肢體受害,而內化性行為問題則是指憂鬱、社交焦慮與孤寂感,並進一步探討希望感中的動力思考與徑路思考之效果。本研究對象為桃園縣公立國中一、二、三年級的學生,共875位(男生445人、女生430人)。研究工具為「同儕受害經驗量表」、「短版憂鬱量表」、「社交焦慮量表」、「孤寂感量表」、「希望感量表」。本研究結果發現: 1.女生則有較多的關係受害,男生有較多的肢體受害,且二、三年級學生之關係受害程度顯著大於一年級之學生。 2.希望感在性別與年級上都沒有顯著的差異。 3.同儕受害、內化性行為問題、希望感彼此之間有相關存在。 4.同儕受害與希望感可預測內化性行為問題。 5.希望感、動力思考、徑路思考在關係受害與憂鬱之間均具有顯著調節效果。 6.希望感、動力思考、徑路思考在同儕受害與孤寂感之間具有顯著的調節效果。 最後,筆者針對研究結果加以分析討論,並對輔導工作及未來研究提出建議。
The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating effect of hope in the relationship between peer victimization and internalizing behavioral problems among adolescents. In this study, peer victimization describes junior high school students’ victimization experiences of physical and relational forms, and internalizing behavioral problems are represented by their tendencies of depression, social-anxiety and loneliness. Two components of hope, agency and pathway thinking, were examined to clarify their moderating effects. The participants were 875 junior high school students (first to third grades) from Taoyuan County, including 445 boys and 430 girls. This study used “Peer Victimization Scale”, “The Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale-10”, “Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescent”, “Loneliness Scale”, and “Children Hope Scale.” The findings of the study were: 1.Girls had more relational victimization experiences than boys and boys had more physical victimization experiences than girls. The second and third graders had more relational victimization experiences than the first graders of junior high school students. 2.There were no statistically significant differences in hope, in terms of gender and grade. 3.There were significant correlations among peer victimization, internalizing behavioral problems and hope. 4.Peer victimization and hope significantly predicted internalizing behavioral problems. 5.Hope, as well as agency thinking and pathway thinking, significantly moderated the relationship between relational victimization and depression. 6.Hope, as well as agency thinking and pathway thinking, significantly moderated the relationship between peer victimization and loneliness. Based upon the results, some suggestions for educational guidance and further research were proposed.



同儕受害, 希望感, 內化性行為問題, peer victimization, hope, internalizing behavioral problem





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