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對青少年來說,單字習得在英語學習中一直扮演著十分重要的角色。為了增加學習者對第二語言單字學習的動機及成效,本研究採納了遊戲學習法。此研究的目的為探討臉書冒險遊戲在第二語言單字學習上的效用、單字不同呈現方式對學習的影響及學習者對英語遊戲學習的看法。 三十二位大直高中國中部的學生自願參與此研究。首先,受試者完成單字翻譯及選擇題來測量他們對目標單字的先備知識,接著在學校的電腦教室進行八十分鐘的臉書冒險遊戲,遊戲結束後,接受後測以了解單字學習情形,並以問卷形式探究出學習者對此種學習方式的感想。三天後,進行延後測以測出此種單字學習效果的持久性,並加以學生訪談了解其它可能影響單字學習的因素。 研究結果顯示,雖然單字翻譯題測驗似乎受到測驗流程的干擾,受試者的單字選擇題分數在遊戲結束後出現明顯進步。單字測驗成績顯示圖片對單字習得有正向影響,但單字出現次數與單字習得與否並無明顯相關。在學生訪談及問卷中可得知,受試者對利用臉書網站上的冒險遊戲學習單字頗有好評,這些正向的學生回饋也同時點出此種學習方式的優缺點,以利往後的研究進行改良。
Vocabulary acquisition has always played an important role in English learning for young learners. To increase learners’ motivation for L2 vocabulary learning, game-based learning method was adopted in the present study. This study aimed to investigate the L2 vocabulary learning effect of a Facebook adventure game, the influence of different vocabulary presentations on vocabulary acquisition, as well as the young learners’ perceptions toward game-based English vocabulary learning. Thirty-two ninth graders in Dazhi Senior High School (Junior High Department) voluntarily participated in the study. They were asked to take a pretest for vocabulary translation and recognition to measure their prior knowledge about the target words and were required to take part in the game session for 80 minutes in the school computer lab. Afterwards, a posttest was conducted to find out how they progressed on the target vocabulary items and a questionnaire was utilized to probe into their perceptions about the idea of acquiring L2 vocabulary through Facebook adventure games. A delayed posttest was held three days later to check whether the participants still retained the knowledge of the target words and a semi-structured interview was used to investigate other possible factors which could affect the vocabulary retention. The results showed the participants made significant progress on vocabulary acquisition in the recognition test although the translation test results seemed to be affected by the test procedure. Retention rate of the target words indicated that picture glosses did have positive impact on vocabulary acquisition but word encounter times seemed not to correlate with the participants’ performance on vocabulary tests. From the student interview and questionnaire, positive comments toward this game-based learning method were presented and advantages as well as disadvantages of this learning method were identified through the learners’ feedback.



青少年, 臉書, 冒險遊戲, 單字習得, young learners, Facebook, adventure game, vocabulary acquisition





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