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隨著網際網路與科技資訊的快速發展,生活中出現更多實用的地理資訊系統如電子地圖,搭配上近年來使用量與日俱增的智慧型手機,使得現代人的行動生活越趨豐富,在戶外使用智慧手機瀏覽電子地圖的機會也越來越多。但是現今智慧型手機上的電子地圖對於個人地圖資訊編輯以及地圖資訊分享的部分是較為缺乏的,且針對地圖資訊來說也沒有導入元數據的應用。 因此,本研究旨在設計一個能在Android智慧型手機上操作且能分享地圖資訊之個人化地圖資訊平台,此平台結合編輯、分享、呈現等三項主要功能。編輯面提供友善的使用者介面,並以XML作為資訊儲存之技術,導入XML物件連結之概念;分享面加入伺服器端負責管理、搜索、傳遞使用者編輯之地圖資訊;呈現面延伸Web2.0概念,使得個人化地圖的資訊來源並不侷限在自我,而是來自於人與人之間的互動。 最後將用本研究之系統,透過GPS全球定位系統將呈現面加上即時個人位置資訊,實作行動版校園地圖導覽,除此之外本研究中也呈現出旅遊行程以及私人地圖的應用。
With the development of Internet and Information technology, there are more and more Geographic Information Systems such as Google Map. In recent years, the smart phone is getting popular by the people who want to enjoy modern information life. Mobile applications such as electronic map are important applications in smart phone, and frequently being used in outdoors. However, nowadays electronic maps in smart phone have the problems of lacking site editing information sharing functions, in addition ,they also does not provide flexibility of using metadata. Therefore, this research aims at a platform which is designed to operate with the smart phone and to share map information with the individual who used smart phone. The platform provides three main functions including editing, sharing and presenting site information according to different metadata. The geographic information in this platform are stored in XML format, and are viewed as the concept of XML objects. This system provides a server to manage, search, and transfer the data which is edited by users. The application scenario extends the concept of Web 2.0 on Google Map, which means the information provided in our system does not limit to the information shared by one user, but from the interaction among many users. In addition, our system is integrated with GPS to provide a variety of different electronic map applications, such as campus map, tour guide, or self customized map.



Android, Google Map, 地理資訊系統, XML原生資料庫, Web2.0, Android, Google map, GIS, eXist, Web 2.0





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