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隨著2006 年起,全國各地開始實施文化部 (昔文建會)的「區域型文化資產保存活化計畫」後,西螺老街才有機會展開較大規模的老街社區活化工作。初期策略把握在提振居民自信心,增加社區幸福感的永續發展方向。由有感的公共景觀改善開始,到老屋修繕後的營運再用方向,皆設定以「悠遊慢活人文生活空間」為目標。做為一個「繼承傳統文化,實踐新生活方式」的社區。利用參與生活式的觀光旅遊推廣,刺激原居民重視地方文化資產。螺陽文教基金會做為一個長期耕耘地方文化的在地組織來說,營造社區的過程中,邊走邊整隊的累積大量資料 與經驗,筆者透過較客觀角度,重新來審視及檢討期初訂立西螺老街規畫為「慢活生活」區域風格之合宜性。 藉研究盤點西螺老街各項文化資產環境保存活化之工作策略,藉大溪老街之社區活化經驗為對照組。從國際社會對老屋修繕方法之慣例,國內外理論憲章,法規對歷史城鎮再用活化方式之不同論點開始,至蒐集西螺、大溪兩條老街之歷史沿革,藝術價值、居民參與度等,大量參閱文獻資料,設計問卷題目藉大眾調查,以因素分析解答疑問;並設計題目針對重要參與者進行深度訪談記錄,直接探求社會的客觀反應,分析解讀西螺老街與大溪老街,在區域活化發展上的優缺點與不同意見看法。最後綜合對居民、參訪者、公私部門等所得各類資料,歸納研究結論。 研究最後得出結論,西螺老街與大溪老街,在街區營造風格與觀光發展強度上,採用不同路線。西螺老街刻意營造的「慢活生活」區域風格,優質生活老街的感覺,遠比熱鬧擁擠的大溪老街更受到贊同。所以本文認為適宜的文化資產保存維護策略,遠比區域經濟更需要被討論。在結論上,本文提出老街活化雖需運用觀光收益來維護文化資產,但是「觀光發展強度」的輕重,與文化資產保存原始目的-社區文化生活的延續,需要時刻被提醒。西螺老街以發展藝術文創老街,與老街慢生活的區域發展方向,應可做為台灣各地在經營文化資產保存活化工作時的借鏡參考。
Since 2006,the government began to implement the Ministry ofculture( former CCA ) project" Regional-based activation Cultural HeritagePreservation Plan" , then, Xiluo old street just had the chance to start its large scale community revitalization . At the beginning the tactic was to boost the community people confidence and lead them to a sustainable development and prosperity. We Started to improve public area from landscapes, and then moved to the olds houses to make them reusable. Our aim was to try to lead the way to make Xiluo old street a " slowly living space " ,and to have a community that follows traditions but keeps a modern living style. We promote tourism and stimulate local inhabitants about the importance of cultural heritage. Louyoung Cultural& Education Foundation as a local organization of Xiluo, aim to create a community culture , accumulating large quantity of datas and experience while working many years. Gathering the different point of views , starting from the beginning to the present we want to answer if Xiluo old Street plan to have a " slowly living style " is possible or not. We will research and review the plan and tactic, for the Xiluo old street activation and preservation of Cultural Heritage environmental. Then, we will compare to Daxi old street experience. The old house historic site renovation method started in the western country. I studied Xiluo& Daxi old streets their history ,artistic value, residents participation etc., I read literature , made the public questionnaire , used factor analysis to answer questions ; had some interviews with some of the participant of the project to get objective answers, analysing & interpreting the mutation of Xiluo & Daxi old Streets . And recive different opinions and views on the development of regional activation for the old street. At the end, after gathering all informations from local people ,Visitors, government and local organization, I will get the answers. Finally I will conclude by taking about ,Xiluo and Daxi old street different route and intensity tourism development. Xiluo old street deliberately creating a " slowly living " in regional style . The interwied agreed that the quality of life in Xiluo street is better than the busy& crowded streets of Daxi. In conclusion ,I think we should preserve the culture and the peaceful life and not just think about the economy. We need to disscuss about the tourism revenue , and " the strength of tourism development, the importance of the Cultural Heritage Preservation needs to be reminded to the community. I wish Xiluo old street stores can continue to create handcrafted designs inspired by its own culture, and in the future will join the “cittaslow town”movement.



西螺老街, 慢活生活, 活化策略, Xiluo old street, Slowly living, Activation tactic

