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This study aims to investigate the satisfaction level of the deliberation on curriculum guidelines among revision members of the Curriculum Guidelines for the Vocational Cluster and Department of Vocational Senior High Schools (Curriculum Guidelines for Vocational High Schools, for short). Through the analysis of the mechanism, operation, and results of the curriculum guideline deliberation, this study obtains an understanding of the satisfaction level of curriculum guideline deliberation among revision members of the Curriculum Guidelines for the Professional Clusters/Departments in their first attendance at Curriculum Deliberation Council (CDC). According to the results of the questionnaire survey, in which a total of 155 revision members agreed to participate, 155 copies of the formal questionnaire were distributed, 139 samples were recovered, and all 139 returned samples were valid, with a recovery rate of 89.7% and a valid recovery rate of 100%, respectively.Based on the research results and summarized findings, this study has concluded the following seven points:1.The two-stage mechanism of deliberation, though well-intentioned, took massive amounts of manpower and time to execute.2.Democratic deliberation and professional deliberation were contradictory.3.Revision members were generally satisfied with deliberation methods, except that procedural deliberation might present an issue of repeated deliberation.4.The satisfaction level of the deliberation process was high, whereas the satisfaction level of deliberation efficiency and discussion atmosphere was comparatively low.5.Revision members of the Curriculum Guidelines for Vocational High Schools were generally satisfied with the deliberation results, except that dissatisfaction was presented in some clusters regarding “classifications of categories, clusters, and departments,” “academic credits by domain/subject,” “core competencies,” “curriculum framework,” and “skill domain.”6.Revision members of the Curriculum Guidelines for Vocational High Schools showed the highest satisfaction level toward revision suggestions for correction of errors and omissions, and displayed the lowest satisfaction level with revision suggestions for the skill domain, which requires further discussion in follow-up research.7.Revision members of the Curriculum Guidelines for Vocational High Schools with varying degrees of involvement in the CDC presented significant differences in their satisfaction level with curriculum guideline deliberation, which requires further investigation in follow-up research.Based on the aforementioned research conclusions, this study proposes the following specific recommendations:1.Examine the necessity and appropriateness of the current two-stage deliberation mechanism.2.Study how to strike a balance between democratic deliberation and professional deliberation.3.Review the procedural deliberation methods adopted by the CDC with the aim of improving deliberation efficiency.4.Establish a mechanism of communication prior to revision and deliberation.5.Representatives from relevant industries should also be included as members of the CDC deliberating the Curriculum Guidelines for Vocational High Schools.
This study aims to investigate the satisfaction level of the deliberation on curriculum guidelines among revision members of the Curriculum Guidelines for the Vocational Cluster and Department of Vocational Senior High Schools (Curriculum Guidelines for Vocational High Schools, for short). Through the analysis of the mechanism, operation, and results of the curriculum guideline deliberation, this study obtains an understanding of the satisfaction level of curriculum guideline deliberation among revision members of the Curriculum Guidelines for the Professional Clusters/Departments in their first attendance at Curriculum Deliberation Council (CDC). According to the results of the questionnaire survey, in which a total of 155 revision members agreed to participate, 155 copies of the formal questionnaire were distributed, 139 samples were recovered, and all 139 returned samples were valid, with a recovery rate of 89.7% and a valid recovery rate of 100%, respectively.Based on the research results and summarized findings, this study has concluded the following seven points:1.The two-stage mechanism of deliberation, though well-intentioned, took massive amounts of manpower and time to execute.2.Democratic deliberation and professional deliberation were contradictory.3.Revision members were generally satisfied with deliberation methods, except that procedural deliberation might present an issue of repeated deliberation.4.The satisfaction level of the deliberation process was high, whereas the satisfaction level of deliberation efficiency and discussion atmosphere was comparatively low.5.Revision members of the Curriculum Guidelines for Vocational High Schools were generally satisfied with the deliberation results, except that dissatisfaction was presented in some clusters regarding “classifications of categories, clusters, and departments,” “academic credits by domain/subject,” “core competencies,” “curriculum framework,” and “skill domain.”6.Revision members of the Curriculum Guidelines for Vocational High Schools showed the highest satisfaction level toward revision suggestions for correction of errors and omissions, and displayed the lowest satisfaction level with revision suggestions for the skill domain, which requires further discussion in follow-up research.7.Revision members of the Curriculum Guidelines for Vocational High Schools with varying degrees of involvement in the CDC presented significant differences in their satisfaction level with curriculum guideline deliberation, which requires further investigation in follow-up research.Based on the aforementioned research conclusions, this study proposes the following specific recommendations:1.Examine the necessity and appropriateness of the current two-stage deliberation mechanism.2.Study how to strike a balance between democratic deliberation and professional deliberation.3.Review the procedural deliberation methods adopted by the CDC with the aim of improving deliberation efficiency.4.Establish a mechanism of communication prior to revision and deliberation.5.Representatives from relevant industries should also be included as members of the CDC deliberating the Curriculum Guidelines for Vocational High Schools.
技術型高級中等學校, 專業群科, 課程綱要審議, 滿意度, Vocational senior high school, vocational cluster and department, curriculum guideline deliberation, satisfaction