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爲因應激烈的市場競爭,大型化已成為全球趨勢,金融機構紛紛以同業間購併、異業間策略聯盟、多角化跨業經營的模式,擴張營運規模及提高競爭力,而具有專業知能的員工為企業核心競爭力的來源,故如何透過卓越之員工管理機制,提昇工作滿意度,留住優秀的人才,實已成為金融業是否能夠脫穎而出的關鍵因素。此外,許多強調內部行銷與服務品質的企業人力資源部門為因應此組織變革,跨越傳統部門疆界的限制,直接安排專門服務特定被服務單位的人力資源客服代表(Account Officer; AO),以持續維持人力資源部門對公司員工的服務品質,即所謂的嵌入式人力資源組織(Embedded HR organization)。本研究利用問卷調查統計分析,以已導入嵌入式人力資源組織之個案銀行行員為母體,運用結構方程模式分析內部行銷、社會資本及員工工作滿意度之影響關係,以瞭解其管理意涵並提供日後銀行業者推行嵌入式人力資源組織之評估參考。 本研究經實證分析結果,主要發現為:導入嵌入式人力資源組織之個案銀行(1)內部行銷對員工的工作滿意度未呈現顯著正向影響,但發現可透過社會資本之中介效果,對員工工作滿意度會產生顯著之間接正向影響。(2)內部行銷對社會資本有顯著正向影響。(3)社會資本對員工工作滿意度有顯著正向影響。
In face of a market of increasingly keen competition, large scale enterprises have become the global trend. The financial institutions (Banking) expand its business size and lift its competitive edge one after anther by operating in the way of merging/ acquisition, strategic alliances and diversified conglomerate mode. Inside, the employees with professional skill background will be the enterprises’ core competitive. Therefore, how to built-up the well-organized managing mechanism to lift the job satisfaction and keep the elites will be the key factor for a successful enterprise. In respond to the organization change, there’re more and more human resources departments emphasize on its internal marketing and service quality. They arrange Human Resources Account Officer (AO) to service certain special unit directly to break the traditional boundaries restrain among internal sectors which also sustain Human Resources department service quality on serving employees. That’s so-called “Embedded Human Resources Organization”. This research is based on questionnaire survey to do a statistic analysis. To apply with Embedded Human Resources Organization in a banking system as population, it is conducted with structural equation modeling (SEM) to verify the mutual relationship of internal marketing, social capital and employee’s job satisfaction, it could be the important reference data for Human Resources department implement Embedded Human Resources Organization in banking organization. Based on the empirical analysis, this research with applying Embedded Human Resources Organization of banking population can be summarized as: (1) Job satisfaction has not been significant positive shown via internal marketing, but it was found that social capital of mediating effect directly related with employee’s job satisfaction; (2) Internal marketing has significant positive effect on social capital; (3) Social capital has significant positive effect on job satisfaction.



嵌入式人力資源組織, 內部行銷, 社會資本, 工作滿意, 結構方程模式, Embedded Human Resources Organization, Internal Marketing, Social Capital, Job Satisfaction, Structure Equation Model





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