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Department of Civil Education and Leadership, NTNU


九二一大地震造成臺灣中部八百三十多所學校嚴重受創,在教育部的民間認養災區中小學重建計畫中,慈濟共認養了50所重建學校,這些統稱為「希望工程」,自1999年9月開始,至 2003年4月全部竣工,範圍橫跨了臺中、南投及嘉義三個縣市,18個鄉鎮。本研究將探討慈濟「希望工程」的緣起和目標,以及其所展現的特色,並從「希望工程」的規劃、執行,以及目前已經看得到的成果,來探討「希望工程」在慈濟教育地業中所產出的多元文化意涵。本研究發現,希望工程的重建校圍經濟,豐富了慈濟教育志業的深層內涵,也累積了慈濟的社會信任與社會資本;惟就個人或社會層面,慈濟「希望工程」所展現的多元文化與廣度,賦予個人寬廣的思考空間,這樣也就能夠開啟豐富與多元化的潛能,呈現出旺盛活力的臺灣社會力。
The 921 Earthquake shook over 830 schools in Middle Taiwan. From the Adoption Plan for Middle Schools and Elementary School in the Disaster Area, Tzu Chi adopted 50 schools for reconstruction. It is called the "Hope Project". From September 1999 to the completion of the project in April 2003, the scope of the project covered 18 townships in Taichung, Nantou, and Chiayi. This study discussed the origin, purpose, and features of the "Hope Project", as well as the connotation of the project to the cultural pluralism in the mission of Tzu Chu from the planning and execution of the plan. This study learned that the campus reconstruction project enriched the in-depth connotation of the Tzu Chi mission, and accumulated the social trust and social capital of Tzu Chi. In terms of individual or social aspect, the connotation of cultural pluralism delivered in the project revealed on the practical issues of Tzu Chi. Enhancing the depth and breadth of the ethnical thinking, and empowering individuals with broader space for thinking, could develop the rich and diverse potentials, and facilitate the social force of Taiwan.


