
dc.contributorTeng-Wang Hsiehen_US
dc.contributor.authorFu-Shing Huen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究目的在探討現行桃園縣教師申訴評議委員會在運作上所面臨的問題,並根據研究結論提出建議,以提供教育主管機關日後檢討修正教師申訴評議委員會組織及評議準則之參考。 為達上述目的,本研究採文獻檢閱法與深度訪談法作為研究方法。首先透過文獻檢閱法,從相關文獻中,探討教師申訴評議委員會組織的沿革,以及委員會如何運作,以現行法令規定作為本研究的理論基礎。 其次,為了有效且深入了解現況與問題的核心,採取深度訪談法,訪談對象為現任或前任教師申訴評議委員會中的委員,包括主管機關代表、學者專家、內部成員、教師代表、申訴人代表等,共計15位。以自編之訪談大綱為研究工具,彙整訪談及相關資料加以分析,以作為結論建議的依據。本研究發現如下: 一、申評會委員中未兼行政職務之教師人數比例偏高。 二、正當法律程序規範不足。 三、評議決定效力不明確,難以落實執行。 四、救濟管道太多元,易浪費訴訟資源及影響救濟時效。 五、教師權利意識提高,能善於利用教師申訴制度保障權益。 六、教師對於現行申訴制度信任度不夠。 根據研究結果,謹提出下列建議供主管機關參考: 一、降低委員中未兼行政職務之教師人數比例。 二、建議修改評議準則第32條之規定。建議增訂罰則,以要求主管機關確實負責。 三、建議教育部能設立層級更高的委員會或法規會,統一解釋法令,解決紛爭。 四、主管機關應儘速著手進行本縣申訴案例彙編。 五、增辦法令宣導與案例研討。 關鍵字:教師申訴制度、教師申訴評議委員會、正當法律程序zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research aims at analyzing what problems the Taoyuan County Teacher Grievance Committee confront and submitting suggestions based on research conclusions for the education competent authorities to adopt them as the reference for rectifying Teacher Grievance Committee organization and evaluation principles. For reaching the aforesaid purposes, the literature review method and in-depth interview were adopted as the research methods for this research. The literature review method was used that the Teacher Grievance Committee organization development history and how Committee functions were explored by reviewing relevant documents and the current regulations and acts are used as the theoretical basis for this research. The in-depth interview was adopted for completely exploring the current status and what the real problems are where the interviewees are current or former members of the Teacher Grievance Committee, including the competent authorities’ representatives, scholars, experts, internal staff, teachers’ representatives and plaintiffs’ representatives amounting 15 in total. The self-edited interviewframework is used as the research instrument for combining interview and analyzing relevant data as the basis for conclusions and suggestions. The conclusions for this research are as below: 1.Composition of the commission shows high percentage of teachers that are not concurrently serving in the administrative position. 2.Inadequate proper legal procedure standard. 3.The effect of the decision by the commission often is not clear enough, which makes it difficult for implementation. 4.Selection of multi-track reliefs channel wastes national litigation resources and affects the efficiency of reliefs. 5.Due to the promotion in the awarness of teachers rights,and making good use of the teacher grievance system and assurance of teachers rights. 6.Teachers do not have much faith in teacher grievance system. The suggestions for the competent authorities’ executives taking into reference according to the research results are as below: 1. To reduce the members of teachers who do not concurrently serve in the administrative position. 2. It is suggested that the review regulation article 32 shall be amended. Penalty regulations shall be enacted for demanding the competent authorities’ executives to be fully responsible. 3. It is suggested that Ministry of Education shall establish higher-level Commission or regulation Commission to centralize law interpretation and to solve dissenting opinions. 4. The competent authorities shall conduct the Teacher Grievance cases compilation in the county as soon as possible. 5. The law propaganda and case-study seminars shall be conducted. Keywords: Teacher Grievance system, Teacher Grievance Committee, due process of lawen_US
dc.subjectTeacher Grievance systemen_US
dc.subjectTeacher Grievance Committeeen_US
dc.subjectdue process of lawen_US
dc.titleStudy on Actual Operation of Taoyuan County Teacher Grievance Committeeen_US

