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本研究旨在分析我國不同發展階段學生的創造性潛能及情意傾向,在量與組型方面的發展趨勢,並青少年階段為例,探討創意自我效能在不同學習階段對於創造性潛能及傾向的中介效果。研究一的研究參與者係由研究者於臺灣北中南東區以便利取樣、叢集取樣的方式,由自行收集1185名國中及高中職學生(男性49.2%,有效回收率80.94%)。為擴展本研究分析的範圍,另納入兩筆過去其他研究收集的資料,分別為194名大學及在職碩士專班學生,以及2931名國小、國中學生,共計採用4310名研究參與者的資料。研究二的研究參與者則為研究者由研究一的參與者中以便利取樣方式選取507名進行施測與分析。研究工具包含:新編創造圖形(畫人)思考測驗、威廉斯創造傾向量表、創意自我效能量表。研究一首先採用多變量變異數分析(MANOVA)以及趨向分析,分別分析不同發展階段學生在新編創造圖形思考測驗以及威廉斯創造傾向量表的差異以及發展趨向,接著使用潛在剖面分析技術,探討全體研究參與者的創造性潛在剖面組型,並且透過卡方檢定比較其在不同發展階段的人數分布差異。研究二使用t檢定檢驗不同學習階段的創意自我效能差異,並使用階層迴歸及拔靴法(bootstrapping mothed)檢驗創意自我效能對擴散性思考及創造傾向在不同學習階段上的中介效果差異。研究結果為:(一)由國小至大學以上的學生,創造性認知潛能與創造性傾向不僅整體有發展階段上的差異,且流暢、變通、獨創、冒險、好奇、想像、挑戰七個指標中,除冒險之外大致上都有顯著的線性趨向,惟流暢、變通、獨創每個學習階段之間都有差異且穩定上升的趨勢比較明顯;冒險沒有階段上的差異;好奇、想像、挑戰在國中與高中之間有顯著差異,整體雖有線性趨向但較為平緩。(二)由小學至大學以上的學生,可透過圖形創造思考的流暢、變通、獨創,以及創造性傾向的冒險、好奇、想像、挑戰七個指標,抽取並建構四個組型的潛在剖面模型,分別命名為「超高思高傾」、「高思低傾」、「中低思高傾」、「低思低傾」。(三)小學、國中、高中、大學及以上學生各階段在四個組型的人數百分比有顯著差異,國中較小學增加超高思超清、高思低傾,減少低思低傾;高中較國中增加超高思高傾、高思低傾、中低思高傾,減少低思低傾;大學及以上較高中增加超高思高傾與高思低傾,減少中低思高傾及低思低傾。(四)高中學生的創意自我效能全量表及「創意思考策略」、「創意成品信念」顯著高於國中生,「抗衡負面評價」與國中生沒有差異。(五)整體而言,創意自我效能在青少年的創造性潛能與創造性傾向之交互影響關係中,扮演中介的重要角色。惟國中階段創意自我效能以及各分量表對擴散性思考與創造傾向關連性之中介效果大於高中階段。最後研究者根據研究結果,針對國內不同學習階段推動創造力教育的著墨重點提出建議。
Present study aims at understanding the cognitive potential and disposition tendency of creativity for the students in different development stages as well as their creativity development in quantity and styles. It also discusses the mediation effect of creative self-efficacy to the cognitive potential and disposition tendency of creativity in different development stages and taking teenager as instance. Study 1, it recruited 1185 junior high and senior high school students from the northern, central, southern, and eastern areas of Taiwan by convenience sampling and cluster sampling, including 49.2% male and the percentage of valid questionnaires was 80.94%. The sample for analysis also included two data from previous studies, including 194 college students and 2931 students from junior high and elementary schools; total sample was 4310 people. In study 2, there was 507 participants by convenience sampling from study 1. The study tools were the Creativity Assessment Packet, the figure part of new tests of creative thinking, and the creative self-efficacy scale. As for the methods of study 1, it was multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and trend analysis to understand the difference and developmental trends by age stages, then discussing the profile of creativity by the latent profile analysis (LPA) in general, and examine the difference of normal distribution by age stages with the chi-squared test; regarding the methods of study 2, it was t-test for understanding the difference of creative self-efficacy by age stages, then author used hierarchical regression and bootstrapping mothed to investigate the mediation effect of creative self-efficacy to divergent thinking and creativity tendency in developmental stages. Results show that: (1). the cognitive potential and tendency of creativity were distinguished from elementary school to college stages. Among the indices of fluency, flexibility, originality, risk taking, curiosity, imagination, and complexity, it shows linear tendencies except the risk taking. In particular, the tendencies of fluency, flexibility, and originality were significantly and steadily ascending in every developmental stages; risk taking was not different by the stages, curiosity, imagination, and complexity were significant different between junior high and senior high schools as well as showing mild linear tendency. (2). The four styles of creativity tendencies could be revealed by profiling the indices of fluency, flexibility, originality in figure divergent thinking test and the indices of risk taking, curiosity, imagination, complexity in the Creativity Assessment Packet. These four styles are “super cognition-high affection (Sco-Haf) ”, “high cognition-low affection (Hco-Laf)”, “mid-low cognition-high affection (Mco-Haf)”, “low cognition-low affection (Lco-Laf)”. (3). The distributions of four styles are distinguished from every development stages, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and college stgaes. From elementary stage to junior high school stage, the styles of Sco-Haf and Hco-Laf increase but Lco-Laf decreases; from junior high school stage to senior high school stage, the styles ofSco-Haf, Hco-Laf, and Mco-Haf increase but Lco-Laf decreases; from senior high school stage to college stage, the styles of Sco-Haf and Hco-Laf increase butMco-Haf and Lco-Laf decrease. (4). The Senior high school group scored higher than junior high school group in the new tests of creative thinking and “creative thinking strategies”, “creative product belief”, but two groups were not different in “withstanding negative evaluation”. (5) as for the mediation effect of creative self-efficacy to divergent thinking and creativity tendency, it was significant in junior high school and senior high school groups, but the sobel test of mediation effect for junior high school group was higher. The creative self-efficacy has different influence in each development stages. The author suggests the directions of creativity education in developmental stages according to the research results.



潛在剖面分析, 創造性潛能, 創造性傾向, 發展階段, 創意自我效能, latent profile analysis, creative potential, creative tendency, development stage, creative self-efficacy





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