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學生的英語文法學習隨著年級越高,接觸的英語時態越多,但未必越清楚,由於課堂上過於關注文法時態規則等細瑣知識,讓學生多數以背誦來學習文法。為讓學生能夠瞭解英語之所以會有時態,是因為英語透過動詞變化來表達事件發生之時間和狀態,與學生所熟悉的中文不同,因而將此作為課程大概念。本研究旨在設計一套可用於國小六年級英語文法課之UbD重理解課程設計,讓學生思考核心問題,進行實作評量,再透過學習活動幫助學生理解大概念以完成評量,屬於逆向設計的概念。本研究以行動研究為取徑,教學過程分兩階段,分別為第一階段醞釀、發展期及第二階段實作、應用、驗收期。參與者包括了六年級三十位學生和研究者自身。本研究主要蒐集課堂觀察、課堂影片、研究者教學札記、學生學習單、學生課堂筆記等學習歷程紀錄。學生學習結果的資料採常模參照及效標參照兩種系統進行給分,並以描述統計、共變數分析等統計方法進行分析;學生學習與教師教學之質性資料則以內容分析法進行分析與詮釋,歸納研究期間學生的反應和教師的操作反思。研究結果發現經過設計的UbD課程可實施於國小六年級英語文法課堂上,並觀察到學習者接受UbD課程學習經驗,能提升其英語文法時態方面的學習理解,學生對於課程亦表達正向回饋,且研究者實際執行UbD課程亦獲得專業成長。對於未來研究與教學的建議有以下幾點:1.設計UbD課程時以一個較長期的單元作為方向,訂定最適宜的單元教學大概念,實施的學習活動能夠讓程度不同的學生展現學習理解六面向;2.建立教師共備社群,精進大概念及核心問題設定;3.學校端將實作評量概念融入定期評量中,行政端支援UbD課程規劃,增加教師對於UbD的專業知能;4. 同步蒐集質性和量化學生學習資料,藉以評估學生學習理解之效益。
As students learn more English grammar, they might be confused about the usage of each grammar rule. They focus on memorizing grammar rules instead of understanding the usage. To make students understand that English is different from Chinese, the former changes the verb in a sentence to express the time while the latter expresses the time by adding the time itself, the usage of tense become the essential question in this English grammar class. This study aimed to design a backward lesson plan for a sixth grade English grammar class by using UbD template. In the lesson, students focused on the big ideas, and they were expected to show their understanding toward the essential questions by completing the performance task. This study adapted action research which included two stages. The first stage focused on introducing the concept of tense in English language and the second stage focused on producing and applying grammar concept. There were 30 sixth graders and the researcher herself in this study. The data collection including class observation, teaching video, teacher’s teaching reflection, students’ worksheet and class notes. This study analyzed students’ learning process by norm-referenced test, criterion-referenced test, description statistics and ANCOVA. By analyzing students learning results and teacher’s reflection, this study evaluated the outcome of UbD implemented in a sixth grade English grammar class. The result found that it’s feasible to apply UbD into a sixth grade English grammar class. Students’ learning understanding improved after participating in English grammar class which adopted UbD template and students gave positive feedback after the class. The researcher herself improved the ability in curriculum design as well. This study recommended that: 1. Designing UbD curriculum in a long-term learning process. Setting the big ideas properly and creating the learning activities which show the six facets of understanding. 2. Instituting professional learning community to sharpen the skills on catching the big ideas and the essential questions. 3. Implementing the performance assessment into school unit tests and improving teachers’ professional knowledge on UbD with the administration support. 4. Collecting both the quantitative and qualitative data to evaluate students’ learning outcomes.



重理解課程設計, 學習理解, 英語文法教學, Understanding by Design, understanding, English grammar teaching





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