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擴增實境辨識圖案 (AR Marker) 大多以正方形的黑框呈現,有助於影像辨識以產生虛擬物件 (Virtual Object),但辨識圖案本身並非給人眼觀看,且影響了設計的美感。因此,本研究的目的為將具有變圖功能之點矩陣全像片與擴增實境辨識圖案結合,在正常觀看角度下顯示有意義之圖案,而在特定角度觀看則會顯現擴增實境辨識圖案並帶出擴增實境功能。此點矩陣全像片之設計,需在全像影像的彩色索引檔與灰階檔建立後,輸出不同角度及間距之光柵點,讓點矩陣全像片產生變圖的效果。結果發現,使用點矩陣全像片能夠成功觸發擴增實境效果,透過變圖功能可於同一張全像片上帶出不同的虛擬物件。另外,本研究也針對傳統的擴增實境辨識圖案與點矩陣全像片的擴增實境辨識圖案進行測試,將攝影機設置於不同的角度及不同的距離,比較兩者在何種條件下能成功地帶出擴增實境。最後,根據問卷調查的結果,發現相較於傳統的擴增實境辨識圖案,大部分的使用者較喜歡全像片的擴增實境辨識圖案。本研究成功的將點矩陣全像片與擴增實境結合,此項技術為世界首創,並且在未來更具備了發展的潛力。
Augmented Reality (AR) marker helps pattern recognition and generates virtual objects, but it always be presented by a black square and hinders the aesthetics of overall design. The objective of this proposal is to integrate AR and the image-switching function of dot matrix hologram, which makes the marker invisible under a meaningful cover image from the normal observation angle. The AR marker can be detected from a specific angle. To design the dot matrix hologram, color index image and grayscale image are used to output the grating spots with different pitches and orientations on the photoresist, which lets the dot matrix hologram possesses the image switching function. In addition, this research makes compare between hologram’s marker and visual marker, to analyze in which the condition can be satisfied to bring out the AR virtual object when camera detects from the different angle or different distance. The result shows the AR effect can be triggered successfully by using the dot matrix hologram, and, the same hologram also brings the distinct virtual object when image-switching effect is in implementation. Besides, this research compares the traditional AR marker and the holographic AR marker in different angles and distances of camera, to detect the conditions which AR effect can be correctly presented. Eventually, the data of questionnaire indicates that most of the users prefer the holographic AR marker. This research combines dot matrix hologram and AR, which is the world’s first and has many potential applications in the future.



擴增實境, 全像術, 光柵, AR marker, Holography, Grating





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