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本論文為「台灣現代陶藝造型之研究」,旨在研究陶藝造型,這是台灣現代陶藝活動比較缺乏的角落,綜觀前輩所謂陶藝家,絕大部份都是陶瓷釉的研發者,被稱為陶藝大師的諸前輩與繼之名家,大部份作品都是釉燒的展現,其土胚造型則由專業技師提供,最多草繪圖形給拉胚技術揣摩,不然就是直接取之於坊間。 造型是一門學科,更是一門術科,不只造型理論要學習,實作之技術也要磨練才能剋盡全力,從平面的造型原理與練習,到半立體、立體的實驗都需涉獵。 再者就是材料、工具、設備、釉藥、燒窯之不容易獲得,也阻礙了參與陶藝創作者的裹足不前。 近幾年,約在1995年的十年間,一批在國外修得學位歸國者及台灣早期陶壺工作者,利用其陶藝工作室之設備,從事休閒陶藝創作,並在各種陶展獎金的誘惑下,年年都有新作,也展現欣欣向榮的狀況。 在鶯歌陶業一落千丈的持續中,各地陶藝工作室像雨後春筍般的設立,小而美的陶藝教室或觀光窯廠,應運而生。因此,陶藝的相關知識及研究,顯得格外重要,本論文就是期盼在陶藝造型萌芽階段,提供學習,歸納、研究、實驗、創作之經驗,給斯界注入一股學術研究、實務創作的雙軌進展上,在理論上架構陶藝為八大藝術的外一章,或脫離工藝範疇成為純藝術創作的一環。 本研究及創作的緒論,是論述研究背景、動機與研究目的,並說明研究方法、流程和研究的範圍及限制。 再者,藉著文獻資料深入探討陶瓷的歷史,尤其中國陶瓷發展,造型演進對台灣有深遠的影響;台灣現代陶藝的發展,歐美日的陶瓷及其他地區的陶藝造型都在此有些探究。   陶藝的創作除了對土、釉、燒等陶瓷專門技術、流程、深究之外,對陶瓷造型的類別也必須明白,有助於發想及修正。 製作陶藝當然要知道美術的基礎理論、造型原理,才能將創作理念依美學原理發揮,有學識理論根據的陶藝創作,更能具有優雅美感動人心弦。 土之成型方法、製作工具、設備、釉的認識、配製、施釉、肌理效果、窯燒方式,在本論文中也做了介紹。 立體造型從需要、發想、材料、技術到完成有一些必要之程序,明瞭造型過程之後有助於創作進行。 台灣陶藝家的背景、作品特色,本論文有簡短評介,以作品表現之形態,歸納分組數類:如釉的研發、實物模仿型、微變型、幾何型、純創作型,俾對創作有所舉一反三之效。   陶藝創作的準備工作,如土料、設備、配釉、工具、工作步驟、成型方法,陶藝表面肌理的裝飾技法等,本研究都做了整理;再者就是釉的認識及陶與玻璃合併之應用,窯燒方式等等資訊做了探討。陶藝創作思路之釐清,該向那些方向發想等等之研究探討,才有創作理念的產生。   第六章是論者的陶藝創作實例,列舉了一些造型範例作品,將來將繼續創作,無窮無盡的創作。   總結台灣陶藝造型發展的期盼;台灣是應該朝向精緻陶藝,有別於中國,真正立足在國際陶藝界,也為陶藝工作者提供一些省思。 論者的研究是基於創作的需要,創作是天馬行空的,是永無止盡的,本論文的陶藝是非常鄉土、自然與土地緊密結合的藝術形式,陶器自古與廣大人民的生活息息相關,本研究把陶藝創作提昇到藝術的層次,也記錄了台灣藝術工作者的努力足跡,期盼台灣能在經濟、文化為後盾的背景下, 產生較多量的真正陶藝家,不止是研發彩釉,更能創作純粹造型之美,尤其可貴的是在學術方面下功夫,產生陶藝造型之創作哲學。
The dissertation is researching for the shape and outlook design of contemporary Taiwan pottery art. The main research is concentrated in the shape and outlook design of pottery because it is a black corner in Taiwan pottery art design field. Overview the works of famous pottery artists, the main works is studying in glaze application and firing development but the shape design of argil is supported by technicians or pottery artists offer the drafts only and even adopted the existed shape. The shape is not only a theorem but also a technology so that we must study the shape of theorem and pay more attentions on practice of shape technology including plane, semi-solid and solid structure. Following reasons also are the barriers to let the pottery artists stop their aspiration in shape technology, 1 .materials 3.equipments 4.glaze 5.kiln In the recent years, some homecoming scholarships and local potters in Taiwan establish their personal working room and environment to develop the entertainment pottery creation. At the same time various prizes of pottery exhibitions allure many young and energetic pottery artists to join and present their new works. Although the pottery business is decaying at INGO, other pottery working rooms are vigorous in Taiwan. These small and beautiful pottery classrooms or the factory making earthenware, pottery, tiles, bricks, etc. are ready for tourists. Therefore, the importance of pottery technology and research is showing. . My study is looking forward to offering some experiences in learning, induction, researching, experiment, creation. The preface is to state my research background, motions, goals and by the way to illustrate my methods, flowchart, and the constraints of research. Part 1 is to introduce the pottery and its history especially in Chinese and Taiwan ceramics development and its shape procession Part 2 is to state the classification of pottery shape making and help the artist to think and adjust their ideas. Part 3 is to state how to use the fundamental theorem of painting in pottery shape creation and application to affect the people. Part 4 is to state the properties of Clays for examples firing Behavior, Variables of Firing, Physical and Chemical Changes in Firing, Loss of Volatiles , Changes in the Clay Minerals , Changes in Inclusions and Impurities , Quartz , Feldspar, Calcium, glaze Formation, The Thermal Reaction Sequence, The Fired Product: Stresses and Defects, Some Considerations of Firing Technology Part 5 - Pottery shape Manufacture and Use including Obtaining and Preparing Resources, Tools and Techniques, Forming, Finishing, and Decorating, Surface Enhancement by the way making comments on some Taiwan pottery artists. Part 6 is to illustrate my pottery creation works. Conclusions: The expectation of Taiwan pottery shape development is forwarding to fine pottery art and distinct from China to establish the strong base in the world.



陶瓷, 陶藝, 造型, 陶瓷工具, 釉藥, 窯燒, 造型原理, ceramic, pottery, shape, tools, glaze, firing, form

