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本研究旨在經由測量新北市立國民中學童軍團團務委員、團長、副團長、教練及服務員的知覺,瞭解學校童軍團團務委員會主任委員領導行為與領導效能之現況。本研究以自編之「新北市立國民中學童軍團團主任委員領導效能調查問卷」作為研究工具,並以新北市立各國民中學童軍團100年辦理三項登記在案之團務委員、團長、副團長、教練及服務員作為研究對象,共計235人。調查所得之資料利用統計套裝程式SPSS for Windows進行次數分配、描述統計量、t考驗、單因子變異數分析及皮爾遜積差相關等統計方法之分析。 本研究獲得以下結論: 一、新北市立各國民中學童軍團團務委員、團長、副團長、教練及服務員對團主任委員領導行為皆有正向之知覺。 二、新北市立各國民中學童軍團團務委員、團長、副團長、教練及服務員對團主任委員領導效能皆有正向之知覺。 三、不同性別之受試者在知覺團主任委員領導行為各層面皆達顯著差異。不同性別之受試者在知覺團主任委員領導效能「團主任委員領導滿意度」及「團內服務員工作滿意度」層面亦達顯著差異。 四、不同年齡之受試者在知覺團主任委員領導行為各層面皆未達顯著差異。不同年齡之受試者在知覺團主任委員領導效能「童軍團組織目標達成度」此一層面達顯著差異。 五、不同團職務之受試者在知覺團主任委員領導行為及領導效能各層面皆達顯著差異。 六、不同教育程度之受試者在知覺團主任委員領導行為及領導效能各層面皆達顯著差異。 七、學校童軍團規模不同之受試者在知覺團主任委員領導行為「魅力影響」、「激勵鼓舞」及「個別關懷」三個層面上達顯著差異。學校童軍團規模不同之受試者在知覺團主任委員領導效能「團內服務員工作滿意度」及「童軍團組織目標達成度」層面上達顯著差異。 八、擔任童軍服務員年資不同之受試者在知覺團主任委員領導行為各層面皆未達顯著差異。擔任童軍服務員年資不同之受試者在知覺團主任委員領導效能「團主任委員領導滿意度」及「團內服務員工作滿意度」層面上達顯著差異。 九、是否為童軍相關科系畢業或曾修習童軍相關學分之受試者在知覺團主任委員領導行為各層面皆達顯著差異。是否為童軍相關科系畢業或曾修習童軍相關學分之受試者在知覺團主任委員領導效能「團主任委員領導滿意度」及「團內服務員工作滿意度」二層面達顯著差異。 十、服務員訓練資歷不同之受試者在知覺團主任委員領導行為各層面皆未達顯著差異。服務員訓練資歷不同之受試者在知覺團主任委員領導效能「童軍團組織目標達成度」層面達顯著差異。 十一、團主任委員領導行為與領導效能呈現顯著正相關。
The purpose of the study was to explore the status quo of chief committee members’ leadership behavior and leadership effectiveness of junior high school scout troops in New Taipei City. The document analysis and questionnaire were employed for this study. This study was proceeding with questionnaire survey of “Chief committee members’ leadership effectiveness of junior high school scout troops in New Taipei City” which was made up by the researcher. The research subjects were chief committee members of junior high school scout troops in New Taipei City, whole school scout troops committee members, scoutmasters and assistant scoutmasters were subjects for the questionnaire survey. The data were analyzed by a number of statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation. The results of the study were as follows: 1. School scout troops committee members, scoutmasters and assistant scoutmasters perceived positively in chief committee members’ leadership behavior. 2. School scout troops committee members, scoutmasters and assistant scoutmasters perceived positively in chief committee members’ leadership effectiveness. 3. Subjects of the survey with different sex had perception of significant differences in all dimension of chief committee members’ leadership behavior. Subjects of the survey with different sex had perception of significant differences in dimension of chief committee members’ leadership effectiveness as “Satisfaction for chief committee members’ leadership” and “Satisfaction of scout troop staffs for job”. 4. Subjects of the survey with different ages had no perception of significant differences in all dimension of chief committee members’ leadership behavior. Subjects of the survey with different ages had perception of significant differences in dimension of chief committee members’ leadership effectiveness as “Degree of achievement for organizational goals of scout troop”. 5. Subjects of the survey with different scout position had perception of significant differences in all dimension of chief committee members’ leadership behavior and leadership effectiveness. 6. Subjects of the survey with different education level had perception of significant differences in all dimension of chief committee members’ leadership behavior and leadership effectiveness. 7. Subjects of the survey with different scales of scout troops had perception of significant differences in dimension of chief committee members’ leadership behavior as “Charismatic influence”, “Inspirational motivation” and “Individualized consideration”. Subjects of the survey with different scales of scout troops had perception of significant differences in dimension of chief committee members’ leadership effectiveness as “Satisfaction of scout troop staffs for job” and “Degree of achievement for organizational goals of scout troop”. 8. Subjects of the survey with different ages for scouting had no perception of significant differences in all dimension of chief committee members’ leadership behavior. Subjects of the survey with different ages for scouting had perception of significant differences in dimension of chief committee members’ leadership effectiveness as “Satisfaction for chief committee members’ leadership” and “Satisfaction of scout troop staffs for job”. 9. Subjects of the survey with different level of scouting education had perception of significant differences in all dimension of chief committee members’ leadership behavior. Subjects of the survey with different level of scouting education had perception of significant differences in dimension of chief committee members’ leadership effectiveness as “Satisfaction for chief committee members’ leadership” and “Satisfaction of scout troop staffs for job”. 10. Subjects of the survey with different experience of scoutmaster training course had no perception of significant differences in all dimension of chief committee members’ leadership behavior. Subjects of the survey with different experience of scoutmaster training course had perception of significant differences in dimension of chief committee members’ leadership effectiveness as “Degree of achievement for organizational goals of scout troop”. 11.The correlation between committee members’ leadership behavior and leadership effectiveness was found significantly positive.



童軍團團主任委員, 領導行為, 領導效能, chief committee member of scout troop, leadership behavior, leadership effectiveness





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