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目的:探討有氧耐力訓練跑對於提昇青春前期孩童心率變異水準的影響。方法:以66位自願參加之國小五年級男女學童為研究對象,將人數隨機分配為實驗組A(EGA)、實驗組B(EGB)與控制組C(CGC)各22人。在每週2次、每次20分鐘的運動介入下,EGA為固定距離訓練,EGB為變異距離訓練,而CGC仍從事一般身體活動,並排除其他的劇烈運動。此外,臨場音樂播放的節奏,須符合漸進性訓練為原則,並隨時監控疲勞與酸痛程度,以避免造成參與者的運動傷害。本研究採用混合二因子變異數統計分析,以(組別×檢測階段)與(性別×檢測階段)比較EGA、EGB與CGC,在八週16次的運動介入後,其心率變異之時域指標值(SDNN、rMSSD、NN50與pNN50),與頻域指標值(TP、LF norm、HF norm與LF/HF),是否達統計上顯著差異(p<.05)。顯著水準設α =.05。結果:在(組別×檢測階段)方面,本研究發現各項指標值在EGA、EGB與CGC間,均達統計上顯著差異(p<.05)。而在(性別×檢測階段)方面,本研究發現頻域指標LF/HF能用來標定運動訓練過程中男女間自律神經調控能力的量差變化。結論:八週有氧耐力訓練跑足以提昇個體的心率變異程度,尤其以變異距離EGB女童的效果最為明顯。因此,從事有氧耐力訓練跑的運動,對於國小五年級男女學童而言,不但能增強整體自律神經活性,還能改善自律神經調控能力,並促進健康體適能均衡的發展。
Purpose: This study was to investigate the effects of enhancing the level of heart rate variability in preadolescent children with the intervention of aerobic endurance training run. Methods: Sixty-six elementary school children(33 boys and 33 girls, age, 11.23±0.42 yrs)were voluntarily participated in the study and randomly assigned to the experimental group A(EGA), the experimental group B(EGB), and the control group C(CGC). In the 2 times a week, every 20 minutes of exercise intervention, EGA was arranged under a fixed distance training, but EGB under a variable distance training. And CGC, the exclusion of other acute exercise, was still in general physical activity. In addition, the rhythm of music spot was set with the rate of progression on training, and this was to keep monitoring the degree of fatigue and pain at any time for avoiding the injury of participants. In this study, the two-way ANOVA mixed was used for statistics analyses with(group × testing phase)and(gender × testing phase). After 16 times in eight weeks of exercise intervention, it was to compare EGA, EGB, with CGC of heart rate variability of time-domain index values(SDNN, rMSSD, NN50 and pNN50)and of the frequency-domain index values(TP, LF norm, HF norm and LF/HF), whether to reach a statistically significant difference(p<.05). The significant level was set as α =.05. Results: In this aspect(group × testing phase), all of the index values were found reaching significant differences(p<.05)among EGA, EGB, and EGC. On the other hand(gender × testing phase), the frequency-domain index of LF/HF was able to be used, between boys and girls in the process of exercise training, to label the changes of quantity difference of the autonomic nervous system modulation. Conclusion: Eight weeks of aerobic endurance training run was sufficient to enhance the individual's degree of heart rate variability, especially EGB(girls)under a variation of distance training was a great benefit. Therefore, aerobic endurance training run, for the elementary school children, not only can enhance the overall activity of the autonomic nervous system, but also improve the autonomic nervous system modulation; thereby, it can promote the balanced development of physical fitness.



變異距離, 自律神經調控能力, 健康體適能, variable distance, autonomic nervous system modulation, physical fitness

