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健康與保健向來是多數人相當關心的議題。由國內外之相關調查報告可知,消費者健康資訊已成為近年來資訊界的重要趨勢;同時,網路也已成為民眾獲取健康資訊的重要途徑之一。守門機制的缺乏,導致各式各樣的資訊包括未經查證或缺乏證據之健康資訊、謠言亦充斥於網路中。這些資訊不僅會造成個體健康的負面影響,也可能造成社會恐慌。本研究以健康謠言為例,探討其特徵、各主題健康謠言之內容型態及查證屬實之健康資訊與謠言之差異為何。 為探討已查證之健康謠言內容特徵,採用內容分析法進行分析。本研究分析資料為「網路追追追」網站,由於本研究著重於健康謠言之分析,故將研究範圍限縮於「已查」謠言之下的「醫藥」及「健康」分類標簽之謠言。剔除內容與標籤不符、謠言內容已無法取得以及重複標籤者,共計有295筆謠言。 研究發現,健康謠言常見之主題為保健與預防資訊。在指涉目標的部分,描述對象以「某一特定行為」及「某種食品/用品」對健康可能的影響為最多數,同時大部分健康謠言不會描述精確地發生日期及地點。為了增加訊息說服力,最為常見之證據為「專業說法」及「親身體驗」。健康謠言主要的目的、訴為「注意/警惕」以及「分享新知」。其中3成採用第一人稱描述謠言事件之描述,顯示發訊者傾向描述自身經驗來引起收訊者的共鳴、同感。半數的健康謠言之託稱來源為親友、醫生的說法,以及本人的經驗。謠言事件最常採用「敘事型」、「新聞報導」的方式進行敘述,對收訊者而言較親切且容易閱讀。不論何種主題之健康謠言,在內容特性及表現方式上,呈現出來的型態接近所有樣本之形態。查證屬實之健康資訊與錯誤訊息,兩者無論在內容特性或是表現方式所呈現出來的型態,並沒有太大的差異。 根據上述研究結果,本研究提出以下建議:針對一般使用者,對於接收到的健康資訊應多運用批判性思考評估資訊內容。同時應增加自身的資訊素養、健康素養,對於無法完全了解的健康資訊,也能夠知道運用何種管道、資訊加以查證;若有健康相關的疑問應先詢問專家、醫師,避免因為誤信偏方、民間療法,對自身健康產生負面影響。針對各地的衛生所、醫院的衛教單位等相關機構單位,可與公共圖書館合作,定期舉辦健康素養、健康資訊品質評估之講座、課程,讓使用者不僅可以取得健康資訊,更能夠自行進行健康資訊品質的初步評估。而公共圖書館應主動向相關單位索取適合的衛教資料並加以呈列,讓更多讀者可以取閱,擴大衛教宣導的對象及範圍。最後,相關單位、機構應積極扮演闢謠的角色,定期的將網路上流傳的健康謠言進行查證與說明;在進行闢謠時,客觀中立者的闢謠對於澄清謠言有相當的效果。與健康資訊雖沒有直接相關,也不屬於健康、醫學專業單位之圖書館,則相對適合扮演「客觀中立的闢謠者」此一角色。
People care about their health and safety. According to the related research, consumer health information has been one of information trend. Also, Internet has become an important source of consumer health information. It is filled with various kind of information on the Internet, including unverified health information, or even rumors. This kind of information may harm one’s health, and even cause disorder to the society. This study takes online consumer health information rumors as an example for content analysis, to understand its characteristics, forms of rumors with different subject, as well as the difference between the verified information and the rumors. This study focuses on the analysis of health rumors, searching rumors that tagged with “medical” and “health” on Rumor Breaker, a website which refute rumors. This study collected 295 health and medical-related rumors. The results of the study indicate that the most common subject of health rumors is health and prevention information. The health rumors used to describe the influence of “particular behavior” and “specific food or appliances” on one’s health; also most of the health rumors didn’t mention when or where the events happened clearly. To make the information more persuasive, the health rumors provide “statement from professional” and “personal experience” as evidence. 30% of the health rumors providers would describe the events in person, which shows they tend to make people in sympathy with their personal experience. Half of the health rumors originated from doctors and one’s personal, friends or families’ experience. It’s much familiar to the receivers by narrating the event or reporting the event as news. The characteristics of all the subject of the health rumors are similar to the characteristics of whole samples. Also, there are less different characteristics between the verified information and the rumors. According to the results, we are able to make some implications and future research direction. For the users, they should evaluate the information they received with critical thinking. Also, users should promote their information and health literacy, in order to find solutions to verify the unfamiliar health information. If there are health problems or question, users should seek advice from specialists and doctors. For the organizations, such as public health center, related department of hospital, they should make cooperation with public library, provides lessons or speech about health literacy and health information evaluation, not only helping patrons receive health information, but also can do basic evaluation of those information. Besides, public libraries should ask health related organizations for the handout forms, and display them, make more patrons can get health information. Lastly, these organizations should regularly investigate and refute rumors and participate with some organizations, such as public libraries, to make the refuting of rumors more effective.



消費者健康資訊, 謠言, 健康謠言, 內容分析, Consumer Health Information, Rumors, Health Rumors, Content Analysis





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