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都市公園是都市空間治理的一環,受政權轉換、社會經濟發展、氣候變遷等因素,衍生因應時代各類型的公園,並隨公眾的使用方式構成不同的文化地景。本研究以人、都市空間、生活環境與文化地景互動關係為視角,分別探究都市公園發展史、臺北都市公園的文化地景變遷與空間配置議題。本論文以文獻、歷史檔案與田野調查進行質性研究。 本研究首先將歐、美、日的都市公園發展脈絡化,建構出都市公園發展系譜,並追溯影響臺北都市公園發展的源流與文化路徑;其次敘述日本統治臺灣時期為改善公共衛生,將歐美近代都市公園制度引進臺灣,再述1932年「大臺北市區計畫」中17個公園預定地,戰前與戰後開闢、使用的情況與地景變化,以填補目前學術界缺乏的一隅。同時論述臺北都市公園在政權更迭下,日本/中華民國政府藉由權力支配公園空間,與宣揚意識型態的殖民/再殖民地景在市民毫無知覺下滲入庶民的日常生活中,直到解嚴後臺灣意識抬頭、文化自覺,透過轉型正義都市公園方呈現心靈解殖地景。臺北的都市公園在政治權力、社會群體、多元文化交織與環境互動下,成為混雜、獨特的公園文化地景。 此外,本研究藉由空間解析,探討臺北都市公園配置空間不均,河濱公園並無法真正解決休閒空間不足的問題,甚且衍生公共景觀被私有化的「綠色縉紳化」環境正義議題,以提供臺北都市公園未來規劃之參考。
Urban parks are a part of spatial governance of cities. They are shaped by power, socio-economic and climatic factors to adapt to various societies. With various usages of the parks, distinctive cultural park-scape is thus formed. This study explores the development history, landscape transformation and distribution of Taipei’s urban parks through the perspective of how people interact with urban space, living environment and cultural landscape. The study depends on literature, historical documents and archives for qualitative research. The study first contextualizes the development of urban parks in Europe, North America and Japan to establish the lineage of urban park development, and traces how parks’ origins and cultural trails have affected the development of Taipei’s urban parks. It then describes how the European and American urban park systems were adopted to improve public health during the Japanese colonial era of Taiwan. To understand the park system transplantation and to fill the academic gap of this issue, the study analyzes the 17 park reservation sites of the “Greater Taipei UrbanPlanning” of 1932 to trace the changing park use and landscape change before and after WWII. This study then proceeds to investigate how the Japanese and Republic of China governments used their political power and will to allocate park space and promote political ideology. They could be considered as colonization and recolonization of Taiwan park-scape to infiltrate colonizers’ political will unnoticeably into general public’s everyday life. It was not until the lift of Martial Law in 1987 when Taiwanese consciousness and cultural identity was awakened. De-colonization of spirits captured by park-scape starts to take place. Political awareness, cultural identity and transitional justice become mainstream so that Taipei’s park-scape turned out to be uniquely and distinctively hybrid cultural landscape. It is a result of political power, social communities and interactions between multi-cultural and environmental effects. Through spatial analysis, it is also concluded that Taipei’s urban parks has an uneven distribution. Riverside Park is a case where the park does not resolve the problem of insufficient green space. To the contrary, it exacerbates illegal privatization of municipal open space and it can be termed as green gentrification. As it represents environmental justice problems, it can provide a reference for urban park planning in the future.



公園地景, 都市公園, 文化地景, 綠色縉紳化, 臺北, park-scape, urban park, cultural landscape, green gentrification, Taipei





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