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(一) 經過焦點解決諮詢之後,受詢高中職教師在教師自我效能量表中的個人效能、一般教學效能、班級人際效能等三個分量表與總量表之前後測得分,沒有顯著差異存在。
(二) 焦點解決諮詢提昇受詢高中職教師自我效能之向度與內涵,在質性訪談資料的結果為:(1)察覺個人效能:更肯定個人成就感、更肯定個人正向特質與能力、更堅定個人的教育信念、更懂得運用外在資源;(2)增加教學效能:更積極提昇學生能力、更樂於教學創新精進、能提昇學生學習意願;(3)促進班級經營效能:能改善師生互動關係、能促進班級常規管理、能積極與家長溝通、能適時輔導學生;(4)更肯定轉化環境對學生不利影響效能:能敏察環境對學生的不利影響、能培養學生正確價值判斷力以轉化環境的不利影響、能建立學生良好品格以轉化環境不利影響。質性訪談結果亦顯示焦點解決諮詢提供教師自我效能的來源,包含主動成功經驗、替代經驗、語言(社會)說服及生理與情感狀態等四方面。
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Solution-Focused Consultation on senior high-school teachers’ self-efficacy. Eleven senior high school teachers (6 females and 5 males; aged 27-37) participated in consultations for teaching related issues on weekly bases. Participants received fifty-minute Solution-Focused Consultations sessions once a week, which proceeded one to three sessions separately based on their individual conditions. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were employed in this study. Participants were asked to fill up the Teacher Efficacy Scale before and after the Solution-Focused Consultation session was given. The paired t-test was performed on the pretest and posttest scores of Teacher Efficacy Scale and its three subscales: personal efficacy, general teaching efficacy, and interpersonal classroom efficacy. A semi-structural interviews with participants was conducted and analyzed to explore the possible impacts of the Solution-Focused Consultation on teacher’s self efficacy. The major findings of this study were shown as following. First, there were no difference between pretest and posttest scores of the Teacher Efficacy Scale and its three sub-scales between the first session and the last one. Second, the analyses of interview content showed that the Solution-Focused Consultation indeed increased these senior high school teachers’ self-efficacy. The results also revealed these positive outcomes: (a) Awareness of personal efficacy: consultatees experienced more personal accomplishment, exhibited more positive characteristics and capabilities, showed stronger beliefs in education, and knew more about using external resources after receiving Solution Focused Consultation; (b) Increasing teaching efficacy: consultatees became more active to enhance students’ capabilities, more willing with devotion to teaching innovation and improvement, and more capable of enhancing students’ will to learn; (c) Enhancing the efficacy of classroom management: consultatees had better relationships with their students, communicated more actively with students’ parents, became more effective on promoting classroom regulation management, and could help students timely; (d) Affirmation of the efficacy for changing environment: consultatees became more sensitive to the negative external factors affecting students, and also were more capable of help students to develop appropriate value judgment and moral character to transform the negative environmental influence. The analyses of interview content also showed Solution-Focused Consultation provided the sources of teacher’s self-efficacy for the consultatees with enactive mastery experience, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological and affective states. Finally, based on the results of this study, some important suggestions were provided for the praxis of Solution-Focused Consultation and future research.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of Solution-Focused Consultation on senior high-school teachers’ self-efficacy. Eleven senior high school teachers (6 females and 5 males; aged 27-37) participated in consultations for teaching related issues on weekly bases. Participants received fifty-minute Solution-Focused Consultations sessions once a week, which proceeded one to three sessions separately based on their individual conditions. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses were employed in this study. Participants were asked to fill up the Teacher Efficacy Scale before and after the Solution-Focused Consultation session was given. The paired t-test was performed on the pretest and posttest scores of Teacher Efficacy Scale and its three subscales: personal efficacy, general teaching efficacy, and interpersonal classroom efficacy. A semi-structural interviews with participants was conducted and analyzed to explore the possible impacts of the Solution-Focused Consultation on teacher’s self efficacy. The major findings of this study were shown as following. First, there were no difference between pretest and posttest scores of the Teacher Efficacy Scale and its three sub-scales between the first session and the last one. Second, the analyses of interview content showed that the Solution-Focused Consultation indeed increased these senior high school teachers’ self-efficacy. The results also revealed these positive outcomes: (a) Awareness of personal efficacy: consultatees experienced more personal accomplishment, exhibited more positive characteristics and capabilities, showed stronger beliefs in education, and knew more about using external resources after receiving Solution Focused Consultation; (b) Increasing teaching efficacy: consultatees became more active to enhance students’ capabilities, more willing with devotion to teaching innovation and improvement, and more capable of enhancing students’ will to learn; (c) Enhancing the efficacy of classroom management: consultatees had better relationships with their students, communicated more actively with students’ parents, became more effective on promoting classroom regulation management, and could help students timely; (d) Affirmation of the efficacy for changing environment: consultatees became more sensitive to the negative external factors affecting students, and also were more capable of help students to develop appropriate value judgment and moral character to transform the negative environmental influence. The analyses of interview content also showed Solution-Focused Consultation provided the sources of teacher’s self-efficacy for the consultatees with enactive mastery experience, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological and affective states. Finally, based on the results of this study, some important suggestions were provided for the praxis of Solution-Focused Consultation and future research.
高中職教師, 焦點解決諮詢, 教師自我效能, senior high school teachers, solution-focused consultation, teacher’s self-efficacy