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本研究採行動研究,以六位國小二年級學生為研究對象,教學實施進行三個階段、共十二週,每週進行一堂個別課及一堂三人團體課,研究工具包含IMMA、觀察記錄表、音高型與節奏型評分表及教學日誌,研究資料質量兼具,以描述性統計、成對樣本t檢定、Cronbach's alpha、Spearman- Brown split half、皮爾森積差相關及質性編碼進行分析。
一、 小提琴教學活動設計需考量學生音樂聽想發展階段,透過多元評量(如IMMA、觀察、實作)有助於教師了解學生發展,並進行教學策略修正,以符合學生個別需求
二、 經教學實施後,學生三次音樂性向成績未達顯著差異,然整體性向提升,差異縮小,其中,音高方面尤為明顯,顯示學生音樂性向會隨學習環境而改變,本教學有助於學生音樂性向之提升。
三、 透過音樂聽想活動,學生能達到音樂基本能力、小提琴演奏技巧與即興創作之學習目標。
四、 教師以個別課與團體課並進教學,提供課後音樂檔,有助於教師教學成效,並提升學生學習效果。
The purpose of this research was to integrate audiation with a beginning violin instruction. The specific problems of this study were to investigate the effects of music aptitude, basic music ability and violin techniques of violin beginners. An action research was adopted in this study. Six second-grade students participated in this study. The design of the research involved two groups and each group involved three students. The treatment period lasted 12 weeks for 3 stages. There were one private lesson for each student and one group lesson per week. IMMA, observation form, tonal and rhythm scoring form and teaching diary were applied in this research. It contained qualitative and quantitative data. The data analysis included descriptive statistic, paired-samples t-test, Cronbach's alpha, Spearman- Brown split half, Pearson correlation coefficient and qualitative coding. The results of the study were as follows: (1) Designing a violin teaching instruction should consider student's development of audiation. Through multiple assessments, such as IMMA, observation, performance, teacher would have more understanding of student's stages and development of audiation. Teacher could revise their teaching strategies to meet individual needs. (2) There were no significant differences on the scores of IMMA among three stages of individual student. The music aptitude showed significant improvement and showed decrease in standard deviation, especially on tonal music aptitude. It revealed that the study helped the improvement of student's music aptitude and music aptitude of students varied based on environment. (3) Through integrating audiation with a violin teaching instruction, students could fulfill the goal of basic music ability, violin techniques, improvisation and creation. (4) Individual lessons and group lessons, home-practice recordings and multiple evaluations helped teaching and learning more effective. According to the results, this study gave suggestion to violin teachers, music publishers and further researchers.
The purpose of this research was to integrate audiation with a beginning violin instruction. The specific problems of this study were to investigate the effects of music aptitude, basic music ability and violin techniques of violin beginners. An action research was adopted in this study. Six second-grade students participated in this study. The design of the research involved two groups and each group involved three students. The treatment period lasted 12 weeks for 3 stages. There were one private lesson for each student and one group lesson per week. IMMA, observation form, tonal and rhythm scoring form and teaching diary were applied in this research. It contained qualitative and quantitative data. The data analysis included descriptive statistic, paired-samples t-test, Cronbach's alpha, Spearman- Brown split half, Pearson correlation coefficient and qualitative coding. The results of the study were as follows: (1) Designing a violin teaching instruction should consider student's development of audiation. Through multiple assessments, such as IMMA, observation, performance, teacher would have more understanding of student's stages and development of audiation. Teacher could revise their teaching strategies to meet individual needs. (2) There were no significant differences on the scores of IMMA among three stages of individual student. The music aptitude showed significant improvement and showed decrease in standard deviation, especially on tonal music aptitude. It revealed that the study helped the improvement of student's music aptitude and music aptitude of students varied based on environment. (3) Through integrating audiation with a violin teaching instruction, students could fulfill the goal of basic music ability, violin techniques, improvisation and creation. (4) Individual lessons and group lessons, home-practice recordings and multiple evaluations helped teaching and learning more effective. According to the results, this study gave suggestion to violin teachers, music publishers and further researchers.
音樂聽想, 小提琴教學, 音樂性向, audiation, violin teaching, music aptitude