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2008年由魏德聖導演主導的「海角七號」間接帶動起台灣電影產業的再度興起,近年來台灣電影的新奇蹟雖然帶動了不少市場,但是相對於國外的電影市場,台灣電影競爭力還是有限。第二章中首先進行文獻探討,描繪出現行的理論框架,並藉此確立本創作研究所要研究探討的對象。第三章進入設計論述,即為研究分析階段,研究資料範圍將以近十年獲得奧斯卡最佳原創劇本。在此階段中首先將以研究方法中【個案研究】的方法分析十部得獎之電影劇本,並找出其中聲音與事件安排的關係。第四章以【設計與展示研究】為主要方法,利用第三章中所得的原則為基礎,試驗式的創作一部劇本故事【回憶的日記本】並拍攝成電影,以檢驗第三章所得之劇本故事大綱編寫原則之可行性。本創作研究提出了一個電影視覺及音訊分類的系統,於10齣電影案例及創作電影1齣,總共取出了340 個視覺(事件點)與音訊(聲波)的特徵,其中,事件點與聲波正相關比率最高的為100%,最低為57.14 %;其次,事件點最多的為69個事件點,最少為12個事件點,總體事件點與聲波的比率為92.94 %,試驗證明電影事件點的安排與電影配樂確實是有正相關的特性,而且是符合近十年來商業電影或得獎電影之呈現特性及手法,可做為未來編劇及拍攝手法的依據。
In 2008, led by the director Wei Te-sheng's "Cape No. 7" indirect drive from the re-emergence of Taiwan's film industry in recent years, although the new miracle of Taiwan's film led many markets, but with respect to the foreign film market, Taiwan's film competitiveness is still limited. The research explore the literature, theoretical framework appeared depicting rows, and to establish the object of this study to explore the creation of the Institute. It also provides the system to namely research and analysis phase, the scope of research data will be nearly a decade to get the Oscar for best original screenplay. In this first stage, the method will analysis ten winners of the screenplay, and find out where the sound relationship with the point events. Then trying to design and display as the main research method, using the principles on the creation of a test script style recalls the story of diary and shoot a film in order to test the third chapter proceeds feasibility of principles written synopsis of the script. This study proposes the creation of a film and audio visual classification system, in 10 cases and 1 the creation film, total removal of the 340 visual (event points) and audio (sound waves) features, which sound waves are incident point related highest rate was 100% and the lowest was 57.14%; Secondly, most event points to 69 event points, at least 12 event points, the overall event points and acoustic ratio of 92.94%, the test proved the point of the movie event arrangements and the soundtrack is indeed a positive correlation properties, and is in line with commercial films over the past decade or winning movie presents the characteristics and practices, can be used as basis for future writers and shooting practices.
In 2008, led by the director Wei Te-sheng's "Cape No. 7" indirect drive from the re-emergence of Taiwan's film industry in recent years, although the new miracle of Taiwan's film led many markets, but with respect to the foreign film market, Taiwan's film competitiveness is still limited. The research explore the literature, theoretical framework appeared depicting rows, and to establish the object of this study to explore the creation of the Institute. It also provides the system to namely research and analysis phase, the scope of research data will be nearly a decade to get the Oscar for best original screenplay. In this first stage, the method will analysis ten winners of the screenplay, and find out where the sound relationship with the point events. Then trying to design and display as the main research method, using the principles on the creation of a test script style recalls the story of diary and shoot a film in order to test the third chapter proceeds feasibility of principles written synopsis of the script. This study proposes the creation of a film and audio visual classification system, in 10 cases and 1 the creation film, total removal of the 340 visual (event points) and audio (sound waves) features, which sound waves are incident point related highest rate was 100% and the lowest was 57.14%; Secondly, most event points to 69 event points, at least 12 event points, the overall event points and acoustic ratio of 92.94%, the test proved the point of the movie event arrangements and the soundtrack is indeed a positive correlation properties, and is in line with commercial films over the past decade or winning movie presents the characteristics and practices, can be used as basis for future writers and shooting practices.
電影劇本, 聲波, 事件點, Movie scripts, Sound wave, Point event