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本研究架構是建構在資源交換論、規範資源論的基礎之上,主要目的是欲了解身處華人文化脈絡下原生家庭資源挹注、家庭權力與婚姻滿意度間的關係。本研究主要是採用「台灣社會變遷基本調查(Taiwan Social Change Survey)第六期第二次家庭組問卷」中的資料來對相關變項進行分析。在研究對象的選取方面,限制婚姻狀況為「已婚有偶」;且受訪者或配偶原生家庭父母,其中至少有一人是健在者;同時受試者與其配偶至少一方原生家庭有提供一項資源者,始為研究對象再進行後續的統計分析,故本研究最後採計有效分析樣本為632份。
The purpose of this study is to understand the relations among Original-family supports, family power, and marital satisfaction under Chinese cultural context. The framework of this study is based on resource exchange theory and normative resource theory. The research data are mainly sourced from the 2011 and 2012 second family questionnaire survey published on the 6th issue of "Taiwan Social Change Survey". The subjects are restricted to the currently married, at least one of each of the couple's parents is still alive, and one of their parents has provided resource for them. A total number of 632 people are selected in this study. The findings are: (1) women’s and men’s marital satisfaction are directly affected by different power dimensions, women are affected by the couple’s relative resources; men are affected by the supports from original families. (2) The original family resources make moderating effects on the relationship between family power and marital satisfaction. (3) The original family resources have different moderating effects between genders. For women, the original family resources can moderate the relations between housework division and marital satisfaction; while for men, the resources can moderate the relations between decision making and marital satisfaction. Finally, (4) family decision-making for women may represent extra economic responsibilities instead of the marital power, so increasing the women’s decision-making will not create more marital satisfaction for them.
The purpose of this study is to understand the relations among Original-family supports, family power, and marital satisfaction under Chinese cultural context. The framework of this study is based on resource exchange theory and normative resource theory. The research data are mainly sourced from the 2011 and 2012 second family questionnaire survey published on the 6th issue of "Taiwan Social Change Survey". The subjects are restricted to the currently married, at least one of each of the couple's parents is still alive, and one of their parents has provided resource for them. A total number of 632 people are selected in this study. The findings are: (1) women’s and men’s marital satisfaction are directly affected by different power dimensions, women are affected by the couple’s relative resources; men are affected by the supports from original families. (2) The original family resources make moderating effects on the relationship between family power and marital satisfaction. (3) The original family resources have different moderating effects between genders. For women, the original family resources can moderate the relations between housework division and marital satisfaction; while for men, the resources can moderate the relations between decision making and marital satisfaction. Finally, (4) family decision-making for women may represent extra economic responsibilities instead of the marital power, so increasing the women’s decision-making will not create more marital satisfaction for them.
家庭權力, 婚姻滿意度, 原生家庭資源挹注, family power, marital satisfaction, original family supports