探討企業行為動能與執行長繼任: 以質化及量化方法跨產業及跨國比較分析

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本計畫主要是針對企業行為動能作一系列之探討,除針對企業行為動能本身及企業行為動能與高階領導人及更替之互動影響作一探究外,亦從不同策略層面、組織結構、相關干擾變數及跨國比較研究之角度,針對企業行為動能及其對企業績效之影響等相關議題,作更完整及多面向的探究。 研究設計/方法/措施:本計畫包含了二個執行階段來探討基於演化、代理與惰性等理論所提出之相關研究假說,此二個執行階段中的第一個執行階段包括了兩個不同但對此議題彼此相關之研究:研究一主要專注於企業行為動能之探討;研究二主要是探討企業執行長領導力對企業行為動能之干擾影響。第二個執行階段包括了三個不同但對此議題彼此相關之研究:研究三主要專注於動能在東方與西方企業之個案探討與比較分析;研究四主要則是在探討企業行為動能對企業績效之影響;最後研究五主要是探討不同層級之干擾因素如何影響企業行為動能對企業績效之關係。資料來源依各研究性質而有所不同:本計畫之主要研究對象為財星雜誌之全球五百大及財星五百大企業,並藉由質性與量化方式,分別執行兩階段之五個研究,其中次級資料主要來自於Compustat、國泰安資料庫、台灣經濟新報資料庫、中華徵信所及其他財務報表、網路資源等輔助。 原創性/研究價值:本計畫之原創性或研究價值主要展現在以下五個主要的貢獻層面上:第一,基於相關理論為出發點來探討企業行為動能,不但從多層面的角度來探討,亦加入跨國性的探究,特別是東西方企業的比較,以彌補過去此領域主要探索對象均以西方企業為主之研究主流,藉著東方元素的加入,希冀更可完整及全方位探索相關議題。第二,本計畫第一階段之研究主要是補足對企業行為動能研究之缺乏,特別是在與高階管理領導力互動上之影響,不但藉由跨產業及跨國界之探索,以強化相關領域之研究外,並藉由次群體研究,進一步探究在不同組織規模下針對相關議題之影響。第三,由於此計畫主要特色之一在於對企業動能作跨國界之探索,因此企業文化將依國籍之不 同而可能造成不同程度之干擾效果,因此本計畫亦可補強東西企業文化之相關研究。第四,本計畫第二階段之研究結合了質性與量化之方式,更進一步探究企業行為動能對企業之影響。第五,本計畫兼顧理論與實務,並藉此計畫之執行,除了希冀增加在相關領域上更多之學術對話外,亦著眼在對實務界的貢獻,希冀此研究成果將有助於董事會針對相關議題探討之參考。
This proposal seeks to extend research issues relating to behavioral momentum to solve puzzles between a firm’s behavioral momentum, CEO successions and its financial performance, and to further study any moderating effect from leadership as well as from firm, industry and country-level factors on a comparative basis. Design/methodology/approach: This proposal includes two phases. Phase I includes two distinct but related studies: Study 1 on the momentum effect, and Study 2 on the moderating leadership impact of CEO origin and duality on the momemtum effect. Each study in Phase I also includes a subgroup analysis to analyze differences between large firms and SMEs. Phase II includes three distinct but related studies: Study 3 on the case study of the momentum-powered firms in the East and the West; Study 4 on the relationship between firm behavioral momentum and firm performance, and Study 5 on the moderating impact of firm-level factors (i.e., firm size and age), industry-level factors (manufacturing versus services sector), and countryl-level factors (firm origin from the East versus from the West) on the relationship between firm bahvioral momentum and firm performance. Studies 1 to 5 are approached quantitatively, while Study 3 are approached qualitatively via a case study methodology to further analyze the power of momentum in action on the selected firms from the Fortune 500 and Global 500 collated by Fortune magazine. Data from each study originates from various sources (e.g, Compustat, GuoTaiAn Information Technology-China Stock Market Research, the Tawian Economic Journal, the China Credit Information Service, and other online open sources). Originality/value: First, this proposal extends the evolutionary, agency and inertia theories and perspectives to explore the momentum effect on various strategic dimensions in a firm, in order to analyze the related issues from multiple perspectives instead of just the single perspective of business activities. Second, Phase I of this proposal elaborates arguments to further the debate on the relationship between the momentum effect and the leadership effect from the moderating perspective, in order to generate results convincing enough to comprehend firm behaviors and how new leaders can counteract such behavioral patterns, which fills the gap in the related studies that lack the role of human agents. Third, this proposal involves firms from different industries across borders under different organizational structures to further strengthen the focal studies. Hence, this proposal fills the gap in previous research approaches that lack multiple perspectives on a comparative basis in dealing with this multifaceted research. Fourth, Phase II of this proposal uses both qualitative and quantitative approaches to analyze the power of momentum in action and how firm behavioral momentum affects firm performance, which fills the gap in the related research because the empirical evidence is scarce. Last but not least, the findings further encourage discussions regarding the theoretical arguments over routines (e.g., firms follow routines) or inertia (e.g., inertia increases with firm size). This proposal should provide evidence-based findings to boards of directors with advanced implications (e.g., the role of a CEO on organizational turnaround)







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