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本研究以技能檢定運用於高中職餐飲科實習課程與學生技能學習行為之研究為主題,旨在確認在校生技能檢定的實施,與餐飲科學生學習動機、學習態度、學習方法、學習習慣及學習環境五個層面相互間的情形。 本研究以自編之「高中職餐飲科學生實習課程技能學習行為之問卷」為調查工具,經由叢集抽樣法,對M高中餐飲科二、三年級學生實施問卷調查,於2007年5月中至6月初,由研究者親自攜帶問卷前往樣本學校隨班施測。本研究問卷共發出471份,扣除無效問卷21份,有效問卷達450份。研究結果如下: 一、本研究所列的四項學生個人因素中,不同性別的學生在「學習環境」構面上有顯著差異存在,且男學生的同意度高於女學生。 二、本研究所列的兩項學校因素中,不同班級類型的學生在「學習方法」構面上有顯著差異存在,且加強班學生同意度高於普通班學生。 接著,為深入了解高中職餐飲科學生實習課程技能學習行為之情形,針對餐飲科二、三年級十位學生做半結構式訪談,訪談結果如下: 一、雖然男生在「學習環境」構面上同意度高於女生,但女生是基於自我要求高,希望多些練習的時間與機會,而男生是安於現狀,認為學校怎麼安排就怎麼學習,由此可見,女生在學習的積極度及自我要求是高於男生的。 二、經由研究發現,學生認為實習課程可以加強自己的專業成長,透過實習課程累積實作經驗,尤其有打工經驗的學生更是有深刻體驗。 最後,本研究根據上述發現提出建議,以供學校單位、餐飲科師生及後續研究作為參考。重要建議如下: 一、實習課程雖然強調「做中學」,但必須致力於用理論來輔佐實務教學。 二、實施技能檢定於實習課程是為了幫助職校學生及早考取證照,但學生須調整心態,了解證照只是測驗的結果,而學習過程中興趣的養成才是關鍵。 關鍵詞:高中職餐飲科、實習課程、技能檢定、技能學習行為
This research was to study the impacts of skill test applying to the intern class on learning behavior of high school students majoring on food and beverage management. The meaning is to identify the interaction between the skill test apply and learning motivation,learning attitude, learning custom, learning method, and learning environment of food and beverage department. This research used self-design questionnaire “The survey of high school food and beverage management department students on learning behavior in the intern class ”, and used cluster sampling, targeting at the junior and senior students majoring on food and beverage management in high school“M”from middle of May to the beginning of June in 2007.The study took the survey to each class and interviewed the subject in the school class. This study collected 450 available surveys out of total 471 surveys. The study results are as follows: 1.This study lists four student personal factors. Different sexual student has significant difference in learning environment. The percentage of male students’ agreement is higher than the female students. 2. In the two school factors of this study, students in different class have significant difference in learning custom. The percentage of good class’s agreement is higher than regular class. For deeper understanding the study of the students’ learning behavior in the intern class for food and beverage management department, the study used semi-structured interview to ten of junior and senior students, and the results are as follows: 1. Even the percentage of male students’ agreement is higher than the female students in learning environment, but female students have higher stander of self-demand in getting more of intern opportunity; on the other hand, the male students stick to the school given intern time, therefore the females students have higher enthusiastic and self-demand in learning than the male student. 2. Students think that they can improve their professional skills by taking the intern class, and working experience especially helps. Base on the result, this research would like to give some suggestion for schools, and the suggestion are as follows: 1. Even the intern class meaning that it’s learning from doing it, but it will need the help from theory. 2. Appling to the skill test in the intern class maybe base on helping the student sooner pass the proficiency test, but students need to know that the key is forming the interest on intern class during learning ,not only passing the test. Key words: food and beverage management department of high school,intern class,proficiency test,skill learning behavior



高中職餐飲科, 實習課程, 技能檢定, 技能學習行為, food and beverage management department of high school, intern class, proficiency test, skill learning behavior





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