
dc.contributorChiu, Ming-Hsinen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Yi-Yingen_US
dc.description.abstract  本研究目的旨在瞭解單身中年婦女之族群特性和健康資訊行為,以及瞭解單身中年婦女健康促進生活型態及影響因素,探討不同個人背景、健康資訊行為、自覺健康狀況與健康促進生活型態之間的關係,並冀望獲得健康促進生活型態的重要預測因子。   本研究採用為問卷調查法,以40~65歲從未有過婚姻關係之單身中年婦女作為研究對象,使用個人背景資料、網路健康資訊行為、自覺健康狀況量表及健康促進生活形態簡式量表(HPLP-S)等四項問卷作為研究工具,資料蒐集方式以立意抽樣法及滾雪球法實施,並以網路問卷為主、實體問卷為輔於2015年5月至7月間進行問卷調查,總共回收385份有效問卷,再以敘述性統計、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe事後比較、皮爾森積差相關分析及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料分析,獲得研究結果概述如下: 一、單身中年婦女族群年齡集中在40-49歲,高學歷、中高收入偏多,多與家人同住而成為家庭照顧者,壓力感受也較大。 二、單身中年婦女普遍自覺擁有電腦網路操作能力。 三、單身中年婦女主要健康資訊來源為網路資訊,其次才為人際管道;健康資訊需求主題則以健康飲食為主。 四、單身中年婦女認為判斷網路健康資訊的正確性是最為困難之處。 五、單身中年婦女自覺健康狀況為中上程度,但同時感到健康狀況有下滑趨勢。 六、單身中年婦女的健康促進生活型態分量表得分依序為自我實現、營養、人際支持、壓力管理、運動及健康責任,顯示研究對象在心靈層面較正向,對生命感到滿意,也較注重飲食健康。 七、有良好的經濟能力、高學歷、積極參與社團擁有良好的人際關係及良好的身心健康狀況者,其健康促進生活型態表現較為正向。 八、單身中年婦女的健康促進生活型態預測因子為自覺健康狀況、工作內容、教育程度、參加社團之頻率以及壓力感受,可解釋量表總變異量的35.8%,其中自覺健康狀況是最強的預測因子。   根據研究結果,建議單身中年婦女應多加參與社團活動,拓展自我交友圈以及增進人際關係間的互動,滿足在親密感及歸屬感的需求,並學習適時紓解自我壓力,如運動、充足睡眠等,培養樂觀進取的態度;而對於教育課程提供者,因研究對象較缺乏後續對資訊篩選及評估之能力,建議開設資訊素養相關課程,增進利用資訊解決問題的能力,此外,研究對象運動表現較差,衛生單位也應當加強宣導體適能之概念,或教導居家型簡易運動。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this study was to understand characteristics and health information behavior of single middle-aged women and to explore the health-promoting lifestyle of single middle-aged women and its related factors. Another aim was to examine the correlation of background variables, health information behavior, self-perceived health status and health-promoting lifestyle, and to get the predictive factors of health-promoting lifestyle. The study subjects were recruited from unmarried women in the age range of 40 to 65 in Taiwan. The data was collected through structured questionnaire from May. to Jul. 2015, including the basic background data, internet health information behavior, self-perceived health status and health-promoting lifestyle short scale (HPLP-S). This research adopted judgment sampling and snowball sampling to conduct online and paper questionnaire survey, and 385 questionnaires were retrieved. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, Scheffé's method, Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. The major results were as below: (a) The characteristics of the study subjects is including age mainly in 40-49 year old, bachelor’s degree or higher and upper middle income. Most of subjects lived with their families and became a family caregiver, so they also had a lot of stress. (b) Most of subjects thought that they have basic computer skills, including word processing or information seeking skills. (c) The main source of health information is internet, and the second is interpersonal methods. The subjects of health information needs is about healthy diet. (d) The subjects thought that how to evaluate health information on internet is the most difficult thing when they are seeking health information. (e) The average score of self-perceived health status was between neutral and agree. It indicated that the attitudes of subjects toward self-perceived health status was positive, but they also felt that theirs health status is going to get worse. (f) The ranking of the score index of the HPLP-S: self-actualization, nutrition, interpersonal support, stress management, exercise and health responsibility. It indicated that subjects have more positive views and pay more attention to nutrition. (g) The subjects with better economic status, higher level of education, better relationship and self-perceived health status had better health-promoting lifestyle. (h) There are 35.8% of the variance of the health-promoting lifestyle which is able to be explained by the self-perceived health status, job, education, frequency of participating in social communities and pressure. However, the self-perceived health status was the strongest predictor. Based on the study results, there are three recommendations: (a) The single middle-aged women should frequently participate in community activities, to improve interpersonal relationship and to meet the need for intimacy. It’s also suggested they should learn how to relieve their stress, to increase the stress-resistance (b) The study suggests the community college to provide information literacy related lesson, to improve not only information seeking skills but also information evaluation skills. (c) The single middle-aged women were lack of exercise. It is suggested that the health units should emphasize more on the propaganda of the physical fitness, or teach some indoor at home exercise.en_US
dc.subjectSingle womenen_US
dc.subjectMiddle-aged womenen_US
dc.subjectInternet health informationen_US
dc.subjectInformation behavioren_US
dc.subjectSelf-perceived healthen_US
dc.subjectHealth-promoting lifestyleen_US
dc.titleA Study on Internet Health Information Behavior and the Health-Promoting Lifestyle of the Single Middle-Aged Womenen_US


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