

本文主在討論美國詩人伊莉莎白‧畢夏詩作中的逾越性和顛覆策略。畢夏詩作中的顛覆策略揭示詩中隨處可見的逾越性。這項特質使詩人的詩作充滿顛覆力量,也成為她在藝術上的追求和成就不可或缺的要素。有趣的是詩人的成長藍圖、生命歷程和主體意念本身就是顛覆性的展現。我們可以說詩人的生活經驗反映了詩作中隱含的逾越潛力。從這個觀點看來,詩人的生命途徑和她的藝術性彼此交融,相互激盪。本篇論文將深入探索詩人如何藉由不同顛覆性手段來達成逾越策略。例如,詩人利用自己身為旅者的特殊身份、詩作中的怪物性和俯拾即是的動物意象、詩作中處理女性主體和獨特性的呈現都是具有逾越性的顛覆策略之一。 全篇論文分為四章。序言主在探討詩人的獨特旅者身份、女性主體與詩作中展現的顛覆和逾越性之間的相互關係。詩作中的顛覆策略將可視為詩人替弱者發聲的利器。從此觀點看來,強權社會對弱勢的壓抑與控制將可被一覽無疑。第一章專注於詩人的兒時創傷如何影響她後來的追求。簡言之,詩人的創傷塑造詩人未來的旅者身份。而詩作中的旅者不僅逾越疆界的侷限,也展現旅者獨特的洞察力和見解。旅者藉由旅程中找尋靈感,並善加運用想像力,帶領讀者以不同的角度看待事物。旅行因此成為踰越的策略之一。因為旅者獨特的觀點不僅打破了主流文化的思維建構,也深入探討旅者如何藉由旅行策略展開意義追尋和價值探索。第二章剖析詩作中所呈現的動物意象與踰越性的相互連結關係。詩人善用大量的動物意象以達成顛覆主流思維的手段。此外,本章前半部的動物意象也呈現深具踰越性質的「怪物性」。本章指出所謂的「怪物性」其實是詭蹫多變的文化建構,用以打壓異己的手段。後半部的動物意象雖不具「怪物性」,但本身的存在也是一種顛覆性的呈現。它們踰越了宗教教義、人本核心思想和地理環境的阻撓,帶領讀者體驗嶄新的視野和鴻觀。第三章探索詩人如何利用女性主體追尋為主題,達成顛覆策略。本章前部分著重於詩人如何女性化自然,以達成逾越效果。後部分將針對詩人如何利用女性和同性戀主體的追尋,反映自身,抗衡主流文化宰制。
This thesis focuses on the analysis and exploration of the prominent American poet, Elizabeth Bishop’s works. Intriguingly, Bishop has been overwhelmingly obsessed with the power of subversion as a poet as we witness how she regards her poetics as a locus of transgressive power. In fact, we can hardly find any poet whose works have been so prevalent with the theme of transgression in both poetic and intellectual endeavors. Moreover, Bishop’s own life can be viewed as a representation of transgression in herself as well. In this sense, the poet’s own life topography reflects the theme of her artistic expression and vice versa. My research thus aims to expound the strategy of the poet’s aesthetic of transgression. Discussions of Bishop’s subversive strategy of transgression can be perceived through her focus on the poetic identity as a traveler, her investigation into the issue of monstrosity and animal images, and finally her tactics of delving into the issues of female subjectivity. There are three chapters in the thesis. The Introduction briefly touches upon the correlation between Bishop’s unique identity and her poetic manipulation of transgression shown in her works. And how the poet’s strategy to highlight the voices of the weak can turn out to be a weapon to counterbalance the oppression from the external systems is further explored. Chapter One specifically concentrates on the poet’s childhood traumas in relation to her future identity as a traveler. The power of the traveler who is able to discern subtle differences beyond the surface of phenomena is grasped so as to spotlight the truth that a traveler like Bishop is definitely a transgressor in mind and in the physical boundary for sure. Chapter Two addresses the construction of monstrosity and animal images so as to reveal their power to transgress either social codes or geographical restrictions. Chapter three exposes the tactics utilized by the poet to highlight the specificity of female subjectivity through her feminization of nature and her dealing with female and lesbian position.



Transgression, traveler, animal image, female subjectivity, nature, monstrosity, 逾越, 旅者, 動物意象, 女性主體, 自然, 怪物性





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