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3D列印的關鍵專利權到期,使得學校或學生對於機器或軟體的取得變得容易,促使教育界開始重視3D列印於教育上的使用。本研究欲利用體驗式學習策略搭配3D列印技術探討做中學,並透過STEM整合模式理念協助實驗教學課程設計,欲探討體驗式教學策略及3D列印技術實作教學結合是否能夠有效的幫助學習者在科學抽象觀念的理解與應用實踐、並且提高學生科學學習動機以及增強學生實作能力。 此次以新北市某高級中學一年級五個班級共159個學生為研究對象,使用生活科技進行教學活動,採準實驗研究設計,將研究對象分為三組,實驗組一3D列印技術結合體驗式學習策略進行課程實作學習;實驗組二則使用3D列印實作技術進行科學抽象概念學習;而對照組則進行手作實作課程進行課程學習。本次研究學生皆需根據教師提供的階段性任務問題及STEM知識學習進行成品製作學習科學抽象概念。活動過程各組根據其教學模式進行不同的引導策略與活動,並透過3D列印或手作技術解決任務問題並完成作品,以達到一完整實作學習。透過將抽象概念實體化的策略教學活動,能夠有效幫助學生增強其科學學習動機、科學抽象概念學習成效及實作能力。
Since the critical patent of 3D printing expired in 2014, fair-price printing machine has been gradually released. Thus, 3D printing technology begins to be evaluated the feasibility and practicability to implement in education. Based on this, the research which combine the instructional strategy and 3D printing to make learning by doing, besides design the teaching curriculum with STEM teaching method aims to discuss the effectiveness of 3D printing technology with instructional strategy in high school students’ abstract reasoning and practicing, learning motivation and the ability of hands-on on learning science abstract concepts. The participants of this research are first-grade students from five classes in one senior high school in Taipei. Based on the quasi- experimental design, the study focuses on three situations: the experimental group one received hands-on curriculum through instructional strategy and 3D printing technology; the experimental two received hands- on curriculum with 3D printing and the control group received hands-on curriculum with hands-on craft. In the experimental design, the students have to solve the questions through group discussion and 3D printing technology or hands-on craft. By using the strategy of materializing the abstract concept, the research looks forward to enhancing students’ learning effectiveness, motivation and the skills of hands-on.



科學抽象概念, 3D列印技術, 體驗式學習策略, 實作課程, science abstract concepts, 3D printing, instructional strategy, hands-on curriculum





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