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The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between multicultural guidance knowledge-skill awareness and guidance self-efficacy of elementary school guidance-teachers. By using random sampling, a total of 169 guidance-teachers was chosen from elementary schools in Taipei city and Taipei county. In the present study data were collected through a survey method. Instruments including Basic Information Inventory, Multicultural Guidance Knowledge-Skill Awareness Scale and Guidance-Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Scale. Data obtained in this study were analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA, one-way MANOVA, canonical correlation. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The multicultural guidance knowledge-skill awareness of elementary school guidance-teachers is above middle degree. Score on the belief and attitudes is the highest and the knowledge is the least. 2. The guidance self efficacy of elementary school guidance-teachers is above middle degree. Score on the guidance efficacy value is the highest and guidance efficacy competency is the least. 3. Concepts of multicultural guidance knowledge-skill awareness is significantly different among elementary school guidance-teachers of different ages, marriage, guidance experience, function, contact with new immigrant children. 4. Concepts of multicultural guidance knowledge-skill awareness is not significantly different among elementary school guidance-teachers of different sex, antecedent, majored in counseling or guidance, further education. 5. Concepts of guidance self-efficacy is significantly different among elementary school guidance-teachers of different sex, ages, function. 6. Concepts of guidance self-efficacy is not significantly different among elementary school guidance-teachers of different marriage, guidance experience, antecedent, majored in counseling ,further education, contact with new immigrant children. 7. Canonical correlation was found between multicultural guidance knowledge-skill awareness and guidance self-efficacy of elementary school guidance-teachers. Suggestions and implications of the results were discussed for related educational authorities, elementary school guidance and further research.
The purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship between multicultural guidance knowledge-skill awareness and guidance self-efficacy of elementary school guidance-teachers. By using random sampling, a total of 169 guidance-teachers was chosen from elementary schools in Taipei city and Taipei county. In the present study data were collected through a survey method. Instruments including Basic Information Inventory, Multicultural Guidance Knowledge-Skill Awareness Scale and Guidance-Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Scale. Data obtained in this study were analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA, one-way MANOVA, canonical correlation. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. The multicultural guidance knowledge-skill awareness of elementary school guidance-teachers is above middle degree. Score on the belief and attitudes is the highest and the knowledge is the least. 2. The guidance self efficacy of elementary school guidance-teachers is above middle degree. Score on the guidance efficacy value is the highest and guidance efficacy competency is the least. 3. Concepts of multicultural guidance knowledge-skill awareness is significantly different among elementary school guidance-teachers of different ages, marriage, guidance experience, function, contact with new immigrant children. 4. Concepts of multicultural guidance knowledge-skill awareness is not significantly different among elementary school guidance-teachers of different sex, antecedent, majored in counseling or guidance, further education. 5. Concepts of guidance self-efficacy is significantly different among elementary school guidance-teachers of different sex, ages, function. 6. Concepts of guidance self-efficacy is not significantly different among elementary school guidance-teachers of different marriage, guidance experience, antecedent, majored in counseling ,further education, contact with new immigrant children. 7. Canonical correlation was found between multicultural guidance knowledge-skill awareness and guidance self-efficacy of elementary school guidance-teachers. Suggestions and implications of the results were discussed for related educational authorities, elementary school guidance and further research.
國小輔導教師, 新移民, 多元文化輔導知能覺察, 輔導自我效能, elementary school guidance-teachers, new immigrant, multicultural guidance knowledge-skill awareness, guidance self-efficacy