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在重量訓練後進行增強式訓練稱為複合訓練。本研究目的在探討在單次複合訓練模式中,以不同負荷重量訓練,對於隨後增強式跳躍過程中的肌電訊號與跳躍能力的影響。12名大專排球選手(平均身高176.8±6.9公分,體重68.7±5.9公斤,年齡20.9±1.4歲,1/2屈膝蹲舉(half squat)最大肌力135.6±18公斤)經過標準化的熱身後,在測力板進行連續5次屈膝反彈跳(CMJ)作為基準值,4分鐘後,受試者依照隨機分派和次序平衡,完成高負荷(85% 1RM)重量訓練+CMJ,以及中負荷(65% 1RM)重量訓練+CMJ的複合訓練模式。兩個複合訓練之間的休息時間為10分鐘,而1/2屈膝蹲舉和CMJ之間的休息時間為3分鐘。以Biovision肌電系統紀錄股直肌、股二頭肌、比目魚肌、腓腸肌肌電訊號,以及Kistler 9287測力板取得動力學參數。並分別以相依樣本t考驗分析不同負荷重量訓練之RMS肌電,和重複量數單因子變異數分析,考驗3回合連續5次CMJ過程中,與地面作用期間時的RMS肌電和動力學參數。結果顯示:高負荷重量訓練,股直肌RMS肌電顯著大於中負荷重量訓練(p<.05),但其它肌群並沒有顯著差異(p>.05)。此外,3回合連續5次CMJ過程中,各肌群RMS肌電平均值和動力學參數均未達顯著差異(p>.05)。結論:高負荷重量訓練比中負荷重量訓練徵召更多主作用肌運動單位,但肌肉活化的效果並未延續到隨後的增強式運動表現。亦即單次高負荷重量訓練與中負荷重量訓練,對於隨後增強式運動表現和神經肌肉的活化並無提升或抑制的效用。
A resistance exercise followed by plyometric exercise is referred to as "complex training". This study investigated the effects of the different resistive loads on the subsequent plyometric jumping capacity and its EMG signal for complex training. Twelve college volleyball players performed 5 counter movement jump (CMJ) on a force platform before and after 5 half squat resistive loads of 65% (middle) and 85% (high) of 1 repetition maximum (1-RM) load. The EMG signal was recorded from the rectus femoris, biceps femoris, gastrocenmius, and soleus by the Biovision EMG system. Kinetic parameters were acquired via the Kistler 9287 force platform. The results indicated that the RMS EMG of the rectus femoris was greater during the process of high resistive loads than that of the middle resistive loads (p<.05), but no significant difference was found in the other muscles (p>.05). Besides, there were no significant differences for the RMS EMG and kinetic parameters between the 3 bouts CMJ (p>.05). In conclusion, although subjects who performed high resistive loads exercise recruited more motor units from the primary working muscle than those performing middle resistive loads exercise, the effect of muscle activation might not last to the subsequent plyometric performance. That is to say, acute high resistive loads exercise and middle resistive loads exercise failed to have any acute enhanced or inhibitive effect on the subsequent neuromuscular activation.







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